What do you want the web site to accomplish

Assignment Help Web Project
Reference no: EM131610147

Assignment: Web Site Project

Purpose: To design a web site using recommended design practices. Your web site will contain a home page and at least four content pages. The content pages will include at least:

- Appropriate meta tags
- One page utilizing tables effectively (most students will use tables on each page),
- One animated image,
- One thumbnail image,
- One e-mail link, and
- One link outside your site.

Popular browsers and mobile devices must render each page. Your web site project will be evaluated on the following criteria:

- Project Milestones,
- Including all required web page elements,
- Following recommended web site design practices,
- Visual appeal of site, and
- Accomplishment of project's objectives.

Project Milestones

Web Site Topic Approval: The topic of your web site must be approved by your instructor. Your website might be about a favorite hobby or subject, your family, a tourist attraction, a company that a friend owns, the company you work for, etc.

Using a word processor, prepare a one-page double-spaced written discussion of the following:

- What is the purpose of the site?
- What do you want the web site to accomplish?
- Who is your intended audience?
- What opportunity, problem, or issue is your site addressing?
- What type of content might be included in your site?
- List at least two related or similar sites found on the Web.

Your instructor must approve your topic before you may begin to work on the next phase.

Planning Analysis Sheet: Using a word processor, write a one-page Planning Analysis Sheet that includes the following:

- Web Site Goal
- Describe the goal of your web site in one or two sentences.
- What results do I want to see?
- List the working title of each page on your web.
- What information do I need? List where you will obtain the content (facts, text, graphics, sounds, video) for the web pages you listed

Site Map: Using a word processor, PowerPoint, or ruler and pencil, draw a flowchart (storyboard) of your web site that shows the hierarchy of pages and relationships between the pages.

Project Update Meeting: You should have at least one page of your site completed by this time. Unless prior arrangements to meet are made, the Project Update Meetings will be held during class lab time in Week 6. Bring the following items to discuss with and hand in to your instructor:

- The HTML, CSS and media files in your website
- A sketch of your page(s) that will utilize a table
- Your Site map (revise as needed).

Reference no: EM131610147

Questions Cloud

What type of blood does patient two have : What type of blood does patient 2 have? List ALL blood types that can be given to a patient with the type of blood that patient 2 has.
Straight-line depreciation to zero for seven-year life : You purchased a machine for $ 1.08$1.08 million three years ago and have been applying? straight-line depreciation to zero for a? seven-year life.
Distinguish the psychology of adults from that of children : How did each distinguish the psychology of adults from that of children in terms of the id and the ego
Determine expected results from benefits : What 3 or 4 metrics would you consider to determine expected results from benefits? Is any one of your selected metrics more important than the other?
What do you want the web site to accomplish : What do you want the web site to accomplish? What opportunity, problem, or issue is your site addressing? What type of content might be included in your site?
Communication environment of the rest : With a structure where BYOD is used by only the physician group, how would you design the communication environment of the rest of the healthcare team.
Sustainable and effective use of information systems : Conduct a literature review on the sustainable and effective use of information systems. A literature review should be a summary and critical evaluation.
Write a driver program to test your integer set class : (Integer Set Class) Create class Integer Set for which each object can hold integers in the range 0 through 100. Represent the set internally as a vector.
Describe the current market and-or trends : Identify the problem to be solved or the need to be filled.How does it benefit the community?Describe the current market and/or trends.


Write a Review

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  Explanation of contextual links

The most powerful hypertext capabilities is the the contextual link. Wikipedia . com is a great example of a site that utilizes contextual links.

  How architectural and protocol changes occur

Discuss how architectural and protocol changes happen, the administrative organization that oversees the technical development of the Internet,

  Traditional approaches for training professionals

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  Importance of a guided navigation system

Explain the use and importance of a guided navigation system and shopping cart for a website designed for e-commerce and business purpose.

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