What do you think will be the next big thing

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM133298679

Question: The internet is completely stuffed with real estate-related get-rich-quick advice. There is a near infinite amount of courses, podcasts, tutorials, real estate investment clubs, and similar information dispensing resources.

A professor once told me, "Steve, everybody is selling something." This is especially true these days o the internet. Yet, there are indeed credible stories of investing at the right place in the right way, over time, that did result in enviable wealth over the course of a lifetime.

The best and most credible story would likely come from somebody you know or somebody known to a friend. I have two such stories I can tell.

The next best would be any other credible source and that might include an investment club, a news story, or some other source.

For the discussion this week share anything you might have or that you might have heard of that sounds authentic. If you do poke around online, try to share the general categories of wealth-inducing vehicles you run into.

What do you think will be the next big thing? Foreclosures, Trust Deed Investing, Urban Infill? whatever. If you had to bet, what "arena" do you think might fly, and why.

If you have no strong opinion of your own, then whom would you believe and why? I fantasize about building hurricane-proof and fire-proof homes in the wake of these natural disasters.

Reference no: EM133298679

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