Reference no: EM131230319
The Blue Bowl By Jane Kenyon
Like primitives we buried the with his bowl. Bare-handed we scraped sand and gravel back into the hole. It fell with a hiss and thud on his side,
on his long red fur, the white feathers that grew between his toes, and his long, not to say aquiline, nose.
We stood and brushed each other off.
There are sorrows much keener than these.
Silent the rest of the day, we worked, ate, stared, and slept. It stormed all night; now it clears, and a robin burbles from a dripping bush like the neighbor who means well but always says the wrong thing.
What do you think the cat's bowl symbolizes?
Look for specific word choices/lines in the poem to support answer.
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What do you think the cats bowl symbolizes
: The Blue Bowl By Jane Kenyon - Like primitives we buried the with his bowl. Bare-handed we scraped sand and gravel back into the hole.- What do you think the cat's bowl symbolizes?
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