What do you think she has will be successful on audit

Assignment Help Taxation
Reference no: EM133320524

Case Study: Sylvia is a Professor at YouCan University. She also maintains a "side Hussel" where she provides tax planning for high net worth individuals. She is a full-time faculty member and has an office at the University. For her "side hussel" she maintains a home office. The IRS has
selected (lucky her) her 2020 return for audit. On her return she deducts a home office and also deducts her miles between her home and her office at the University. She maintians that she is not commuting because she has a home office and is going from Job2 to Job1 back to Job2. She has hired you to represent her in the audit.
Question: Do you think she has will be successful on audit? Find at least three sources to suppoort your conclusions.

Reference no: EM133320524

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