Reference no: EM133475444
Animism is "...the belief that nature is filled with spirits - which was found the world over in the indigenous societies that survived intact until recently," and expressed in cave paintings, petroglyphs, on pottery, etc.
"The Jericho heads suggest that some peoples of the Neolithic era believed in a spirit or soul, located in the head, which could survive the death of the body."
In our modern culture, we watch TV shows and movies about spirits, ghosts, exorcisms, mummies, and a variety of other ideas about life after death.
Question 1. What do you think our Paleolithic ancestors believed about "the soul" and about "spirits" in humans, animals, and plants?
Question 2. What about their artwork that makes you think about what you do?
Question 3. From the paintings, what were our ancestors' relationships with the animals depicted?
Question 4. What is your (our) relationship to animals; their bodies and their spirits, today?
Question 5. Does "Animism" exist in our culture today? Give examples
Question 6. As an artist, how would you express these beliefs? (pretend you are in your cave room and are recording your experiences and beliefs on the walls)
Remember to express your ideas as "your" ideas and not as truths or dictates for everyone else (even if you believe they are). Listen to and respect others' ideas and then yours will also be given due respect. We are exploring art and spiritual experience, not advancing any absolute certainties or religious doctrine.