Reference no: EM132314797 , Length: word count:800
Assignment Questions -
Q1- As long ago as the earlier 1800s, religious services in some North American, African-American, Christian churches featured a type of emotional fervor that often struck outsiders as curious or inappropriately emotional. The outstanding African-American scholar Eileen Southern describes some of the origins and features of this service in "The Antebellum Church." At one point toward the end of this selection, she makes reference to the "clash between African and European cultures." Taking the entire article into account, explain what you think is the essential nature of that clash and describe your personal view of that clash.
Q2- Read Anne Lundy's article reporting on conversations she had with three symphonic conductors. Classical music originated from one of the most fermentive melting pots of society-Europe. Even though this type of music has gone on to be employed by individuals from numerous cultures outside of Europe, it is still sometimes assumed to be "owned" by people of European descent. In this reading, three conductors who are African-American reflect on their experiences and values. Reflect on what you read in this article. Include in your reflection what you think is the real difference between saying "I'm a black conductor" and "I'm a conductor, and I'm black."
Q3- Read the three chapters assigned from Nketia's writings on African music. Given your understanding of African music as you described it in Provocation 1, what surprising or curious information did you find reading through Nketia's overview of the purpose and types of musics in Africa? (Make specific references to the text.)
Q4- What do you think of when you hear the phrase "African music"? Explain how it is that you have come to understand "African music" as you do.
Textbook - The Musical Ascent Of Herman Being, Written by Robert Danziger? ISBN: 0-9613427-8-1.
Note - Need 200 words for each question.