What do you think is the cause of depression

Assignment Help Operating System
Reference no: EM133791748

Assignment: Psychology

Part 1

Mood disorders affect thousands of people across our nation and world. This next video gives a basic overview of the differences among the mood disorders. After watching the video, answer the questions below:
YouTube Video: "Mood Disorders with Dr. Casey".

I. Mention information that you gained from the video when answering these questions. Also, you must have well-developed responses; otherwise, no credit will be given. Okay?

A. What is the difference between a mild depression and "clinical depression?"
B. What possible treatment options are there for a person who is depressed?
C. Describe behavioral, emotional, and cognitive systems in a person who is depressed-please describe each of the three.
D. What do you think is the "cause" of depression?
E. Do you think thought processes (such as the way a person thinks) affects depressive symptoms? Why or why not?

II. Now watch the next video. This is very interesting to hear Julia describe what it is like for her to be depressed and the associated symptoms that she experiences:

YouTube Video: "Living Through Depression: Julia's Story".

A. What in her story stands out to you after listening to her explanation of her experience with depression?

Part 2

The following link is to an article having to do with the usefulness of cognitive-affective-relational-behavioral therapy. Then, answer the questions below:

A. What is grief counseling? In your own words.
B. Describe the "pessimistic view of grief counseling" that has emerged within the last 10 years?
C. What is the EVIDENCE to show that grief counseling is EFFECTIVE?

Reference no: EM133791748

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