What do you think is the cause of a consistently

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Reference no: EM132697891

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"You wanted to see me, sir?" said Francis to the clearly agitated guest seated at the six-top table in the corner of Chez Lapin, the upscale French Bistro-style restaurant that Francis managed.

"I've been waiting 10 minutes for my waiter to bring us our check. And as slow as he's been, it will probably take another 10 minutes to process my credit card. I just want to pay and leave. The food was fine, but this service is ridiculous!"

"I'm really sorry, sir. I'll find your server," replied Francis, as he glanced around the dining room. As he did, he noticed several unbussed tables that were littered with dirty dishes, as well as the hostess stand where the line of guests waiting to be seated hadn't gotten any smaller in nearly an hour.

When Francis entered the kitchen looking for the disgruntled guest's server, he was surprised to see several of the line cooks relaxing on the production line.

"How's it going back here tonight?" asked Francis, as he glanced around the kitchen.

"No problems. Just waiting for the orders to come in boss," replied Sasha, the sous chef in charge of the production line. "We're keeping up easily."

Assume that all of the workers at Chez Lapin are well trained and highly motivated:


Do you think the servers are likely doing their best to provide good service to the restaurant's guests? If you believe so, then why was the guest in this scenario unhappy?

What do you think is the cause of a consistently long line of waiting diners when there are numerous vacant, but unbussed, tables in the dining room?

The sous chef in this case said, "We're keeping up easily." Do you think that means they are being very efficient and, thus, very productive? Explain your answer.

Reference no: EM132697891

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