What do you think are the top 3 technical skills

Assignment Help Computer Network Security
Reference no: EM133337360


What do you think are the top 3 technical skills and top 3 soft skills required for an IT security (or cybersecurity) professional? Why?

Reference no: EM133337360

Questions Cloud

Collective bargaining agreement : Reflect on bias regarding using a collective bargaining agreement and its impact on union and nonunion workers' positions.
Companies can easily develop compensation : Do you believe that companies can easily develop compensation that is both internally consistent and competitive within the market?
Identify a political candidate for using social media : Identify two benefits to a political candidate for using social media to get his or her message out.
Type of solutions can be used to restore health information : What type of solutions can be used to restore health information systems due to a crash and loss of power?
What do you think are the top 3 technical skills : What do you think are the top 3 technical skills and top 3 soft skills required for an IT security (or cybersecurity) professional? Why?
How would i configure a trigger for event id 4624 : How would I Configure a trigger for event ID 4624. Customize the event title with your first and last name and, in the message, include your course name.
Discuss three it industry certifications : For this discussion, choose three IT industry certifications and research jobs and starting salaries that those with each certification can achieve on average.
Key legal considerations related to information assurance : Evaluate key ethical and legal considerations related to information assurance that must be taken into account by the key leaders within the organization.
How long would it take to add privacy of design : How long would it take to add privacy of design, encryption, and a hash password to voice user interfaces (VUIs)?


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