What do you think are some of the personal factors

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Reference no: EM133416607

Case study 1:

We're All Alike-We're All Different

To illustrate two seemingly contrary "truths," try this group activity. Each group of four to six people has two tasks. First, find one thing that everyone in the group has in common. Second, find one unique thing for each person in the group. Groups can usually complete these tasks in a short time, and they always find something that everyone has in common, as well as something unique about each person in the group.

This illustrates the two truths- everyone is alike, and everyone is different. These two truths apply to sport and exercise groups. Assume you are leading an exercise class at a fitness center.

In what ways might all of the participants be alike? How might each one be unique?

Case study 2:

Person (P) and Environment (E) Affect Behavior

Behavior changes as the person and environment change. As a personal trainer working with a businessperson, you may find that one week he comes in energetic, confident, and eager to try everything, but the following week he is tense, is distracted, and doesn't respond to your suggestions. What personal or environmental factors might be influencing his behav-

¡or? Consider work (e.s., closing a major deal, conflicts with the boss) and personal life (e.S., health condition, family situations). In general, expect change and be ready to adapt.

Case study 3:

Using Sport and Exercise Psychology in Professional Practice

How can you use sport and exercise psychology? If you are (or plan to be) a kinesiology professional, think about that question. Or, think about your own physical activity. List three questions about people and human behavior that apply to your situa-tion. Keep them in mind as you read through this text. The text does not give you absolute answers, but you will find relevant information and guidelines-and probably think of more questions. Apply that information to your situation and the people in it in order to use sport and exercise psychology to answer your questions.

Case study 4:

Please consider how the B = f(P, E) in Cardiac Rehabilitation formula applies to Shaun White's life AND your life by answering the following questions:


All people are alike in some ways, but every person is unique. And, as Shakespeare recognized, both our individual characteristics and the environment determine our behavior. The last set of truths refl ects a basic tenet of psychology set forth in a formal but simple way by Kurt Lewin (1935): B = f(P, E) That is, behavior is a function of the person and the environment. But, the "truth" is even more complex. In reality, we cannot separate the person and the environment so easily. As Lewin emphasized, individual and environmental factors do not operate independently; they interact. Per-sonal characteristics infl uence behavior in some situations and not others; situational factors affect people differently; and perhaps most important, the person affects the situation just as the situation affects the person. Thus, the relationships among person (P), environment (E), and behavior (B) are complex and dynamic, changing over time.


What do you think are some of the personal factors (P) that are influencing Shaun White's athletic preparation and performance (B) in the documentary?
What do you think are some of the external/social factors (E) that are influencing Shaun White's athletic preparation and performance (B) in the documentary?
What do you think are some of the personal factors (P) that are influencing your academic preparation and performance this semester (B)?
What do you think are some of the external/social factors (E) that are influencing your academic preparation and performance this semester (B)?

Reference no: EM133416607

Questions Cloud

Discuss a perception intervention you might use : How does your personality type impact your experience of this issue? Consider the strengths and weaknesses associated with personality types A, B, C and D.
What was the independent variable in smith and pell : What was the independent variable in Smith and Pell (2003)? What was the dependent variable? What was the source of Smith and Pell's data?
What would be your strategies for the first three sessions : Utilizing structural family therapy, please identify how you would begin work with this family. What would be your strategies for the first three sessions?
What was your first memory and how old were you : Have you ever had a memory that you were 100 percent certain had happened only to find out later that your memory was flawed? Did this change your perception
What do you think are some of the personal factors : What do you think are some of the personal factors (P) that are influencing Shaun White's athletic preparation and performance (B) in the documentary?
What influences a person motivation to commit a crime : What influences a person's motivation to commit a crime? Think about developmental, biological, and situational factors that contribute to the person's behavior
How might you define your own culture : How might you define your own culture and how might you describe its moral and aesthetic values? How might you compare it to some of the other cultures
Racial and ethnic health disparities : What policy change would you recommend to address one or more racial and ethnic health disparities, and why?
Is stacey conducting qualitative and quantitative : Is Stacey conducting a qualitative, quantitative, or mixed methods research study?


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