What do you think about using national celebrities

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131402064

Dr. Louison: Good morning Marsha, You are on point when you said, 'Based on the tenets of the target group, healthcare services providers should formulate and implement social media marketing campaigns to run on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and Snap Chat among others. Further, the institutions should ensure that they have interactive websites and use tools such as search engine optimization to have visibility on the World Wide Web.' Young adults have a lack of knowledge of the health care though they use technology every day.

You are correct the younger generation are very technically inclined; and love to use electronic devices and social media. It has been said that over 60% of their free time on the Internet streaming video applications or playing on line games. Young adults often rely on technology and social media to aid in their decision making.

Many do not see the importance of health benefits due to the cost and simply that they do not need a health care plan in this phase of their life. Most young adults today are connected to technology either they have a smart phone, watch TV on their laptops, I-pads, kindles or tablets. Marketers have made it their goal to completely understand their lives, habits, attitudes and disposable income spending.

Just walking through any local mall on a Saturday morning or afternoon we can certainly see that young people are the key to numerous markets: fashion, clothing, technology (Mac, I-Phone, etc.), foods, entertainment and automobiles. Health care marketers have started to take notice of this: what do you think about using national celebrities (like Eva Longoria, Lady Gaga, etc.) or local celebrities to encourage enrollment of young adults?

Reference no: EM131402064

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