What do you think about fake orgasms

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133668653 , Length: Words Count:400


(Human Sexuality)

Please help having a hard time answering this question. Thanks.

What do you think about fake orgasms? Do you think faking an orgasm can be warranted in some circumstances?

Lehmiller, Justin J.. The Psychology of Human Sexuality, John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, 2017. ProQuest Ebook Central,

Should chemical castration be mandated for sex offenders? Why or why not?

Explore and be informed: Once you have selected your topic, you will find it meaningful to read a few scholarly articles. This is because peer-reviewed articles are vetted for quality and adherence to editorial standards, and published in scholarly journals. This link to the UMGC library provides excellent instruction, support and resources addressing scholarly articles.

Scholarly works make writing more enjoyable. This is because they:

  • expand your exploration of relevant concepts, theories, empirical findings and historical trends
  • invite you to implement critical and creative thinking
  • inspire skeptical inquiry as you approach your topic with the goal of developed information literacy
  • empower the development, organization, and expression of your understanding of the topic

When you are ready to post:

  • In the subject line clearly identify which topic you are discussing.
  • Write some essay of four hundred words addressing the questions designated for one topic.
  • For this discussion explore your thoughts on the topic and draw connections to concepts covered in the course and across lessons gained from other sources.
  • Give at least two examples to support your conclusion.
  • When appropriate, cite sources used in your essay.

Reference no: EM133668653

Questions Cloud

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