Reference no: EM133246460
Question - Political Science Discussion
1. The legislative process was intentionally designed to be difficult. Considering the political environment and pressing issues, is it too difficult for the 21st century?
2. In your view, do each of the two major national party platforms accurately portray the views of their voters?
3. What do you see as the largest obstacle to legislating at the federal level? Can you name particular issues where the federal government has failed to act?
4. Do you believe that ideologically diverse states can or should (two questions here) cooperate without conflict? (Consider: Cold War/ Vietnam; negotiations with Taliban; US relationship w/ N Korea, Saudi Arabia, China, Russia, etc). I think we all agree that we can cooperate but: should we and what is different about those states where conflict is more likely?
5. Containment policy required us to promote authoritarian regimes against communism. Should (practically rather than theoretically, pretend your president) we act similarly against modern threats identified by our representatives: radical Islam, extreme socialism, intra-state conflict that upsets the global economy. why or why not?