What do you see as the best way to begin to resolve

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Reference no: EM133424690

The purpose of this Journal Theme is for you to take an honest look at your value system, assess its current status and clarify unresolved issues associated with values in conflict. The following are some questions to help you in the process of value assessment and clarification. First, please read the brief explanation of where values come from and how they evolve over time.

We adopt values at a very early age, unconsciously from people whom we admire, love or desire acceptance from. Values are often categorized into two groups: BASIC VALUES, a collection of three to five instrumental values that are the cornerstone or the foundation of our personalities and SUPPORTIVE VALUES, which augment our basic values. Throughout our development we construct a value system: a collection of values that influences our attitudes and behaviors, all of which make up our personality. As we mature, our value system also changes because we become accountable for the way we think and behave. Our values may shift in importance. These shifts are called value conflicts: this can cause a lot of stress. Some classic examples: work vs. leisure; freedom vs. responsibility; love vs. religious faith or social class.

KEY: CONFLICTS IN VALUES CAN BE HELPFUL IN OUR OWN MATURING PROCESS IF WE WORK THROUGH THE CONFLICT TO A FULL RESOLUTION. Problems and chronic stress arise when we ignore the conflict and avoid clarifying our value system.


1. Make a list of the core values you hold (values come from things that give you meaning and importance, yet are abstract in nature).
2. See if you can identify which of these values are basic or instrumental at this point in your life and which support or augment your basic values.
3. Describe how your values influence your dominant thoughts, attitudes and beliefs.
4. Do you have values that compete for priority with one another? If so, what are they and why is there conflict?

5. What do you see as the best way to begin to resolve this conflict in values? Ask yourself if it is time to change the priority of your values that no longer give importance to your life.

After doing this journal you decide which aspects of it you want to share with me. This is totally confidential and you may pass on sharing some aspects of this journal. You need to respond to me regarding one value and Conflict, not all that you clarified.

Reference no: EM133424690

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