Reference no: EM133828444
Group activity on conflict resolution, healing and reconciliation.
Note that one of the sub topic of the chapter one give you the lesson how you'll downplay the competence of conflict resolution , healing and
reconciliation. Suppose that you're a6 member of "group A" suddenly your campus was stormed with riot/violence by students. The cause of the unrest was students belong to national. Group A blames the other "group B" as they deliberately fires the picture containing icons and symbols of their nation (of group A). Throughout the unrest properties were lost and bodies were injured from both sides through the damage on of member " group A" is found to be too much worse. Finally a student club called "wendemamachoch" is assigned to help your conflict resolution. From its outset the aim of the club is enhancing peaceful brotherhood among the Students, class mates, dorm mates and group mates.
*It is Group A who fires the Icons and symbols of Group B at the start of the conflict
What is the role of "Group A"
1) How do you defend for the victimhood of your group cause resolve their conflict?
2) What do you recommend to compensate the violations?
3) How do you heal the victimhood of the two conflicting parties?
4) How do you reconcile the two groups?( identify the difference between reconciliation and conflict resolution?