What do you notice about this type of marketing

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131473947 , Length: word count : 800

Module Six Blog Guidelines

Overview: The blog activities in this course are designed to be public for all students in this course, as well as your instructor. You should develop your blog using WordPress or Blogger. You should paste the link to your blog post in the discussion forum associated with each task.

Please review the resources below prior to developing your blog, as needed:

Creating a Free Wordpress Blog-Tutorial for Beginners (15:36)

How to Publish a Blog Post (1:32)

Below are some additional resources for improving your blog:

How to Write a Blog Post for Beginners: This article is an introduction to writing blog posts.

Blog Basics: Developing Your Blog: This article examines the purpose of a blog community and how to strengthen and develop that community.

12 Easy Ways to Improve Your Blog: This article examines important elements in developing your own blog.

How to Drastically Improve Your WordPress Blog's Comments: This article examines how to better engage and manage your online community.

Prompt: In this blog assignment, you will assess the use of marketing perspective and its impact on relationships.

After reviewing this 60 Minutes transcript, discuss whether you follow any influencers, and respond to the following questions:

What do you notice about this type of marketing?

What strategies are they employing?

What role do these influencers play in marketing?

How does the use of marketing perspective impact the relationship between the company and consumer?


Guidelines for Submission: You should create your blog in WordPress or Blogger and submit a link to it in the discussion forum in Blackboard. Your blog should be written in a professional voice and appropriately formatted for a blog. Any sources cited should cited in APA format. Blog entries must be between 400 and  800 words in length.

Reference no: EM131473947

Questions Cloud

How you made the decision to pursue an education in business : Explain how you made the decision to pursue an education in Business or Finance. How long will it take to pay back the return on this investment?
Market in a concise and systematic manner : Describe the types of mutual funds that can be found in the market in a concise and systematic manner, suitable for presenting to a group of investors.
Examine the assumptions and limitations of inferential tests : Examine the assumptions and limitations of inferential tests. Develop a practical application of the research principles covered in this course.
Compute the subgame perfect equilibrium of the market game : Consider the following market game: An incumbent firm, called firm 3, is already in an industry. Two potential entrants, called firms 1 and 2, can each enter.
What do you notice about this type of marketing : MKT 265:How does the use of marketing perspective impact the relationship between the company and consumer?
Identify risks to both electronic and paper patient records : You are tasked to analyze the use of information technology resources and assess the applicability to United General Hospital and the video scenario presented.
Reasons that companies expect employees to align to policies : The social media policy agreement sounds like a good one! What are other reasons that companies expect employees to align to policies and not post negatively?
Research in peer-reviewed journals or other journals : Research in peer-reviewed journals or other journals that are considered to have reliable information. Do not use sources from the secular press.
Develop a branding strategy and marketing communication plan : Develop a branding strategy and marketing communication plan.The five elements you select should only come from the options provided below.


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