What do you mean my misleading visualization

Assignment Help Case Study
Reference no: EM133340179

Assignment 1

? Assignment 1 is your response to the set of 5 questions (9 marks each).
? You need to submit the response to 5 questions as Assignment 1. This assignment carries 45 marks.
? Limit the response to each of the questions within 2 pages/slides.

Assignment 2
? Assignment 2 is your individual response to any one of the case studies.
? You can choose any one of the case studies based on your individual interest.
? This case study assignment submission carries 45 marks.
? Answer specific questions as asked in the context of your chosen case study.
? No single answer to the question to exceed 500 words (or 2 pages, in case it has visuals).
? Response could be submitted as a document (along with code or workbook or tool export as applicable

Assignment 1 - Questions

I. Why data visualization matters? What are some of the best practices that you would like to recommend while telling a story with data?

II. What do you mean my misleading visualization? Please explain with an example.

III. Briefly explain univariate, bivariate and multivariate analysis? What are some of the plots or charts that are best suited for data visualization for bivariate analysis?

IV. Briefly explain the data visualization process (the steps to be performed for storyboarding and storytelling with data)?

V. What do you mean by the following terms: motive, metrics, manageable data (meta-data, master data, dimensions, measures, transactional data), meaningful insights, in a context of storytelling with data (data visualization)?

Assignment 2: Case Study I

Customer Complaint Tracking & Analysis (CCTA)

I. Background
? Each day, one receives number of complaints of company across its channels and multiple other social media touchpoints. The business always has a challenge of analyzing such a data to identify areas of improvements for customer service. One needs to perform customer complaints data analysis to see how well a product or service is doing in the market. Explore the given database

Complaints.xlsx) of financial product and service complaints to see how companies respond to their consumers.

? Create a dashboard that analyzes customer complaints and respond the following questions using data visualization in a tool of your choice Tableau or Jupiter Notebook

II. Business Challenges / Questions
? What are the total complaints received from the consumers?
? What is the total number of complaints by product?
? What is the total number of complaints by the type of channel?
? What is the total number of responses by the type of channel?
? Which state has most of the complaints registered?
? What is the number of total complaints by state?
? What is the number of total complaints by company, and which are the top 10?
? What is the status of the customer complaints year wise?
? What were the responses to the customers & did they resolve the issue in a timely manner?

Assignment 2: Case Study II

Customer Segmentation Analysis

I. Background
II. To analyze a bank customer demographic across geographical locations between nation states, you can download the customer dataset from Super Data Science website under section 6 The spreadsheet has 4,014 rows include the attributes of Customer ID, Name, Surname, Gender, Age, Region, Job Classification, Date Joined, and Balance.
III. Create a dashboard that analyzes customer segmentation (and provides answers to the questions listed below) based on data provided, using Tableau or Jupiter Notebook (Python) based on your choice.
IV. Business Challenges / Questions
V. Which age group has most of the savings/ balance with the bank?
VI. Which are the top 5 regions in terms of total number of customers in a bank? VII. Which are the top 5 regions in terms of total balance of customers in a bank?
VIII. Which all regions, consists of larger number of male customers than the female?
IX. How many customers does the bank have by each of the job classification?
X. Which is the wealthiest segment based on the job classification?
XI. Compare the balance of newly joined customers (10%) with the oldest customers
XII. Who are the most valuable customers (10%) by job and gender across the regions?
XIII. What is the gap (in terms of average balance) between various regions?

Attachment:- ABS Storey Telling.rar

Verified Expert

In this project we have answered five questions as mentioned in the assessment tasks regarding data visualization.For Assessment part 2 we have downloaded two datasets provided in the job card link and using Tableau visualization completed the practical tasks of visualization.We took screenshots of the practical work and then completed the analysis par based on the graphs.We developed treemaps, bar graphs,bubble graphs etc. according to assignment needs.We also developed two separate dashboards for each part of assignment 2.

Reference no: EM133340179

Questions Cloud

Describe the barriers to health care information systems : Identify and describe the 4 barriers to health care information systems adoption outside of hosital settings. Assess the impact of new care delivery models
Describe one product development recommendation : Describe one product development recommendation and one market development recommendation for Tesla. Explain why this idea should be adopted by the Tesla EV
How would you rate the effectiveness of the advertisement : Give an example of advertisement that increases awareness for a product, brand, business, or special cause. How would you rate the effectiveness
Justify the audit component & importance of a marketing plan : Critically discuss the benefits, challenges, and characteristics in designing, implementing, and managing market driven strategies for ALDI. Justify the audit
What do you mean my misleading visualization : Why data visualization matters? What are some of the best practices that you would like to recommend while telling a story with data?
Alignment across dimensions of organization design : What is the degree of alignment across dimensions of organization design? Which design elements are misaligned with your organization's strategic priorities?
How does lidu immersive expermential marketing respond : What factor drove lidu to choose an immersive experimental marketing startegy? What are thge key chracterists of liduys immersive experimental marketing
What would you like to see in their advertising campaign : What advice would you give Jane and Paul based on your personal opinion of advertising? What would you like to see in their advertising campaign?
Describe why a media plan is important : Describe why a media plan is important, especially for a large brand like Taco Bell. State your goal for investments and justify this goal. Outline your plan


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