What do you like the most or dislike about the text you read

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM133651546

  1. In order to better understand the text you are reading, bear in mind the following classical questions: What? Who? When? Where? Why? How?
  2. What is the main thesis of this text? (What is the author trying to convey to the reader?)
  3. How does this text help you understand the topic of the course?
  4. Make a list of ten key concepts and statements that you consider to be important for the understanding of our subject matter. (Add page numbers to these sentences). Explain briefly why these concepts or sentences grasped your attention.
  5. Make a list of questions that the text raised in your mind?
  6. Provide examples from your life experience or your general information, which
  7. Illustrate well the points raised by the text.
  8. What do you like the most or dislike about the text you read.
  9. Did you find the text challenging? (Explain and describe briefly what you felt
  10. While reading the text: Confusion? Joy? Anger? Anxiety? Fear? Hope?).
  11. How do you appreciate the author's approach to the issues of World history?
  12. What did you gain from this study?

Reference no: EM133651546

Questions Cloud

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What do you like the most or dislike about the text you read : What is the main thesis of this text? (What is the author trying to convey to the reader?) How does this text help you understand the topic of the course
What was wrong from the armenian high level commanders : What was wrong from the Armenian high level commanders during the second Nagorno-Karabakh war from building high trust organizations perspective
What ways were these different ideas connected : Which individuals and organizations supported which philosophies? In what ways were these different ideas connected to and divergent from one another
What about it do you think is important for students : DOES have a crucial concept to understand. So, why didn't you ever hear about it before and what about it do you think is important for students to learn
How northern africa was seen in relationship to europe : How northern Africa was seen in relationship to Europe? Was it seen as separate from Europe, or as part of an interconnected Mediterranean world


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