What do you hope to gain from this course

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Reference no: EM131034859

Discussion Participation

• If you do not see the "+ Respond" link, or any responses, you may need to scroll down the page.
• When you are the first to contribute, you will see only the "+ Respond" link.
• If any classmates have posted, you will see their comments, along with the "+ Respond" link.
• The "+ Respond" link - as well as any responses - will be displayed at the bottom of the page.

Post Your Introduction

In this introduction forum, create an autobiography that includes the following information. If you choose to use a digital tool, include a link or uploads.

a. Where are you from? Where are you in your degree program?

b. Why do you think it might be important for teachers to learn about educational psychology?

c. Examine the Course Learning Objectives. What do you hope to gain from this course?

d. What is one interesting fact about yourself?

e. Optional: Include a photograph of yourself, your family, pet, or something that represents you.

Choose one of the following methods:

a. Create a PPT presentation
b. Use Glogster, Voicethread, or Jing to create a one-of-a-kind introduction.
c. A written narrative

Guided Response: Because we are building a classroom culture, it is important for you to get to know each other as we will be spending the next five weeks together. Read your classmates' postings and respond to at least three of your peers. Feel free to respond to all of your peers. It would benefit you to get to know your classmates. Ask questions to get to know your classmates more or comment on connections between you and your classmates. You will find that you share many commonalities

Reference no: EM131034859

Questions Cloud

Necessarily lead to higher levels of profitability or sales : For many years, health care organizations, as well as traditional businesses, have been frustrated that high customer satisfaction scores do not necessarily lead to higher levels of profitability or sales. Explain why this inconsistency tends to exis..
Will it remain in this position when it is released : The uniform thin pole has a weight of 30 lb and a length of 26 ft. If it is placed against the smooth wall and on the rough floor in the position , will it remain in this position when it is released? The coefficient of static friction is µS =0.3
What is the reluctant welfare state : Do you think that such notions of justice and equality are reflected in the social welfare programming in the United States, which is termed by Bruce Jensson as the “reluctant” welfare state? What is the "reluctant" welfare state?
Determine the minimum coefficient of static friction : Determine the minimum coefficient of static friction between the uniform 50-kg spool and the wall so that the spool does not slip.
What do you hope to gain from this course : Why do you think it might be important for teachers to learn about educational psychology? Examine the Course Learning Objectives. What do you hope to gain from this course?
Find the speed of the plane in still air : A plane flies 440 miles with the wind and 340 miles against the wind in the same length of time. If the speed of the wind is 25 mph, find the speed of the plane in still air.
Multiple regression of interest rates and disposable income : A researcher looks at moving average data on store sales a wishes to perform a multiple regression of interest rates and disposable income. What is a particular concern when performing time series multiple regression? a. homoscedasticity b. autocorre..
Find in the news or media or perhaps one you encounter : Milestone One is your first opportunity to work on an element of your final project. In this assignment, you will identify and summarize a contemporary social issue of your choice. This social issue will become the main topic of your final project..
Determine ? when the crates begin to slide : The coefficients of static friction between the crates and the µA = 0.25 and µB = 0.35


Write a Review

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