Reference no: EM133206606 , Length: Word count: 1 Page
Assignment Problem: Today, technological changes are coming from all directions. The increasing use of electronic forms of information transfer (email, social media, websites, online cloud storage) is leading us to a paperless society. What is the impact of this technology on resource utilization? How has resource utilization changed with increasing use of technology? What do you feel are the environmental issues associated with an ever-increasing technology demand? Think about both the production of technology, the use of electricity, and the waste generated by consumer demand for newer technologies. Are our current practices sustainable? Why or why not?
Because we know that mineral resources are finite, there are two ways to look at our present and future use of these resources. One view is that we are headed toward a mineral crisis as the number of people on Earth increases. The other is that as the number of people increases, the possibility for innovations increases and we will find ways to adjust our use of minerals. Which view do you agree with? Support your argument with specific examples and a discussion of the future of mineral resources both in Indiana and in the world.
Coal mining is an important part of Indiana's current and historical economy. Outline the history of coal mining in Indiana, including a discussion of how coal formed in our state. Then, discuss current mining practices, production, exports, and consumption using online data and sources. Finally, discuss the environmental issues associated with coal mining in Indiana and the laws and regulations surrounding coal mine reclamation. Include a specific example of a reclaimed mining site in Indiana.
When we first started using fossil fuels, particularly oil, we did not know about potential environmental impacts of developing and burning oil. Suppose that at that time we had completed an environmental impact report concerning the use of oil and had been able to predict consequences. Do you think we would have developed the use of oil as fast as we did and become so dependent on it? Justify your answer. Do you think that peak oil will be a defining moment in human history? Why or why not?
Defend the idea that we are currently in a water crisis. What is sustainability in the context of water? Are we in the midst of a water crisis? Is the global situation improving or deteriorating? What are the big issues? Cite specific examples and current trends in your response.
The issue of climate change is a polarizing issue - many average citizens either believe, or don't believe climate change is occurring. Using ideas of scientific knowledge and values, describe why this issue is not one of "belief", but one of "evidence". Pick two global warming misconceptions (or myths), and provide a correct explanation of those ideas. Then, based on your learning and your own opinions, describe two significant hurdles to public education about global warming. Then offer your constructive and realistic recommendation on how these obstacles may be overcome for the residents of Indiana and students at IUPUI.
Be written as a 300-500 word essay, with a thesis statement, complete sentences and paragraphs, and a conclusion;
Include at least one captioned and referenced image or diagram that helps exemplify and support your response, and finally have the support of at least two primary sources cited in-text and in a Works Cited section in MLA format.
In your response, you want to apply the ideas of critical thinking as discussed in your textbook, including:
- Significance. What is the importance of the question? To whom, or why, is it important?
- Logic. What evidence supports the argument or answer you give to the question?
- Relevance. How is the question or problem related to Environmental Science?