What do you envision will happen with information technology

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Reference no: EM133298537

Case: IT "inspections" - could that be a thing??Discuss your thoughts on IT becoming such a "utility" in our lives, that we might see a day when IT inspectors come in and inspect for 'compliance' just like restaurants have to pass health inspections and apartment buildings have to pass fire inspections

In most countries there are fire codes that govern what building features you need, how you build them, and what materials are permitted. Brick and mortar businesses can be fined or closed down until the violations are remediated.

Food safety is another area where there are rules, statues and inspections that govern what is 'safe' processing, handling, cooking and serving of food. Restaurants in NYC (and other cities) post health grades.

Finally, for automobiles, there are safety standards that dictate what features the car must have, and statues that dictate adherence to keeping the car in good repair, having proof of vehicle inspection, having a valid driver's license, and having insurance.

What do you envision will happen with Information Technology ? Will you need a "license" to compute ? Will you need to have your device(s) inspected ? Will you be disconnected if you are not in compliance ?

Will businesses be fined or shuttered for failing an IT inspection ? What changes can you forecast happening to the architecture of computing systems ?

What recent events or product announcements hint at these changes ?

Reference no: EM133298537

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