What do you do - ship them or not

Assignment Help Management Theories
Reference no: EM131908899

Question: Manager's Ethical Dilemma You are the manager of a factory of the Make-It Company. You have 5,000 parts. Things have been on schedule, making 1000 parts per day, but you have just been alerted on Thursday afternoon that 2,000 of the parts already produced are faulty. This means, even with overtime, you won't meet your goal.

If you do not ship these parts by the deadline, your company will lose this major client, and this will most certainly result in layoffs at your plant of approximately 20% of your staff. What do you do - ship them or not? Choose one side and fully explain the rationale for your decision. You are not being graded in your choice but rather your explanation and use of the concepts.

Reference no: EM131908899

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What do you do - ship them or not : If you do not ship these parts by the deadline, your company will lose this major client, and this will most certainly result in layoffs at your plant.
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