What do you consider as dean current level of risk

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Reference no: EM133318795

Case Study: Dean Smith Dean is a 19 year old male, who lives at home with the family. When Dean is at home he generally gets on well with his sisters, although he can be a bit rough with them, they are very fond of him. He had previous involvement with the Youth Justice Agency from age 16 and a half to 18yrs. This related to receiving 2 Youth Conference Orders for separate offences involving disorderly behaviour, criminal damage and common assault (pushing a shopkeeper who barred him from his premises). These were all in the context of 'messing around' as Dean says, in his community and causing damage to community property. Alcohol and drugs were a feature of each, this was limited to weekends and when he was in the company of his mates, many of whom would also be known to police. Previous to these orders he had a couple of Community Resolution Notices for anti-social type behaviour in the community. Dean loves football, and was a key member of the local team, his coach often told his mum he 'could have went far' if he had applied himself. Mum remarks that he 'misses football'. He is seeing a local girl 'on and off' but her family disapprove because of his behaviour. Dean left school at 16 with 1 GCSE in I.T. He 'hated school', couldn't 'sit still' and 'felt stupid', he was referred to an alternative education project, but his timetable was limited owning to cuts and shortages. Recently he started a job at a call centre, although he doesn't appear too enthusiastic about this. Things seemed to have settled, however he has just received a Probation Order and £250 fine for offences of taking a vehicle without consent, criminal damage (reversed into a fence leaving the house causing £200 damage to the car boot) no insurance and, driving a motor vehicle whilst under the influence (slightly over the limit). The rest of the family were away overnight and Dean had some friends around, they had been drinking when Dean decided to take his step-dads car to go to the off-license, but was apprehended by police. Tensions have heightened in his relationship with his step-dad, he is a taxi driver and now the car is off the road. Dean has promised to pay for the damage.

You are the Probation Officer who will be supervising Dean. Using the ACE framework:

Question 1• What do you consider as Dean's current level of risk of re-offending and why?

Question 2• What are the current risk factors that may increase the likelihood of further offending if not addressed?

Question 3• What are the potential protective factors/strengths that could be developed in helping Dean desist from further offending?

Question 4• Identify a draft plan of work with Dean to address the assessed risk factors and promote strengths/protective factors involved.

Question 5• This should include critical consideration of the multi-disciplinary/community context of practice and the centrality of supervision to safe practice and self-care.

In completing this task you must identify and critically apply, theories to inform and theories to intervene in supporting your work with Dean. Consideration should be given to issues of AOP, and values and ethics whilst working in the justice context Critically reflect on the effectiveness of your selected model of intervention demonstrating consideration of the assessment and planning process. You must draw on and reference a range of relevant reading, including current research and literature consistently throughout your assignment to support your discussion.

Reference no: EM133318795

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