What do you believe are the most critical factor for success

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Reference no: EM133707462

Discussion Post: Distance Learning

Gomez, et al. (2016) write, "Culture greatly influences social behavior, communication, cognitive processes, and pedagogical technologies. All of these elements are key components in the online learning discipline. Hence, the design of online programs requires cautious study of how people learn, what people learn and what people perceive as important to learn, depending on their culture. Understanding the set of cultural and learning/teaching features will help the educational community to provide better quality yet also culturally sensitive instruction."

Because online/distance learning is increasing in use across the country for K-12 schools and in higher education, the considerations for educators and learners are complex. Based on your experiences as an online student and your professional teaching experiences, what do you believe are the most critical factors for success in online/distance learning? What do you think the future holds for online education?

Reference no: EM133707462

Questions Cloud

How do the routines and procedures previously developed : How do the routines and procedures previously developed in both classrooms lead to active participation by all students? Provide at least two examples.
Highest level of marginal utility : Classical economic theory assumes that marginal utility decreases, and that consumers seek to maximize their total utility by choosing the next best consumption
Why they chose that route : Why they chose that route. We run into hardships sometimes and may have to use the money we invested into but it won't always be that simple
Status rather than for their functionality : What products and services do not follow the downward sloping demand curve because consumers purchase for their status rather than for their functionality?
What do you believe are the most critical factor for success : What do you believe are the most critical factors for success in online/distance learning? What do you think the future holds for online education?
What type of pricing tactic is being used : If all three grocery stores in town decide to charge the same price for a loaf of bread, what type of pricing tactic is being used?
Do you agree with the notion : Do you agree with the notion that "stock market is not the economy"? Given that the Fed's decision on interest rate has a significant impact
Which was projected to contract : Which was projected to contract 1.5% last year. The finance ministry sees foreign arrivals in 2024 at 33.5 million, down slightly from a previous expectation
What did the new freedom agenda accomplish : Woodrow Wilson introduced his New Freedom agenda in order to preserve Progressive interests. What did the New Freedom agenda accomplish


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