What do you believe are the benefits of short-term therapy

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Reference no: EM13340217

1. Increased self-awareness is the goal of many therapists, including Gestalt therapists. The behaviorists do not believe that self- wareness is necessary for behavior change. What do you think?

2. One of Glasser's main emphases is that the "only person you can control is yourself." Are all disorders brought on by a person's choices? What roles do genetic and environmental factors play in affecting a person's behavior?

3.  Analyze which of Glasser's five genetically encoded needs seems to characterize yourself. Now compare yourself with someone close to you. Are the needs similar or dissimilar? If dissimilar, think of strategies to reduce conflict

4. How do postmodernist and social constructionist values clash/mesh with Christian beliefs?

5. What do you believe are the benefits of short-term therapy?

Reference no: EM13340217

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