What do we do to get to the destination specified in goals

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM131251531

For each of the following goals, write one lower-level objective and one higher-level objective.

Goal #1: Gain a broad perspective on the strategy and planning for human resources management today.

Goal #2: Assess the systematic model of instruction.

Goal #3: Create Microsoft Office 2013 training for your employees.

Module 03 - Creating Instructions: Planning and Designing

There is no point in creating instruction without first deciding on what message you want to get across--in other words, your goals and objectives.

Goals specify the outcomes for the training and for the target learner. They outline what is expected when the students exit the training.

They answer the question, "Where are we going?"

Objectives answer the question, "What do we do to get to the destination specified in the goals?" Objectives define learning outcomes in a way that can be measured with some objectivity. The key verbs in your objectives relate to doing, and they establish learning areas for learners' growth (and change) in their knowledge, skill, behavior, and attitudes.

An instructional goal is a general statement of what you want to accomplish, while an instructional objective has more measurable characteristics. For example a goal may read as follows, "Participants will learn to use the new HR system," whereas an objective reads as this, "In this morning's HR System Training, the objective is to have each of the participants create requests for vacation and sick leave." Although the objective sounds challenging, it is clear what the expectations of the learner are after the training is complete.

Setting Goals and Objectives

The approach to developing learning objectives most often used by instructional designers was created by Robert Mager. Mager's approach is to create objectives that ensure the participant achieves measurable and observable performance.

Mager recommends using three components in writing learning objectives (when possible):

It is important to set clear and concise learning outcomes for your trainings, so both you and the learner know what to expect.

Tips for Writing Objectives

When you write objectives:

List objectives in bulleted series form followed by a period.

Try to avoid using the same verb more than once in one set of module objectives.

Relate objectives to the subject matter in a way that is relevant to the learners.

Be sure that your objectives are related to the goal.

Following Bloom's Taxonomy can help you write clear, specific, and measurable goals.


Noe, R. (01/2016). Employee Training & Development, 7th Edition. [VitalSource Bookshelf Online]. Retrieved from


Reference no: EM131251531

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