What do experts say about the macro-environmental trends

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Reference no: EM13670311

1. What do experts say about the macro-environmental trends and forces? Students need to include research from at least five sources accessed through OCLS.

2. Five total in-text citations and references for the General Environment. 

b.The Environment Within the Industry: i.This section continues to examine the factors external to the organization within its industry.

1. What is the size of the industry?

2. What are the growth trends?

3. What is the nature of competition for the organization? Students will use Porter's Five Forces Model to examine competition (risk of entry by potential competitors, rivalry among established firms, bargaining power of buyers, bargaining power of suppliers, and substitute products).

ii.Research Requirements:

1. What do experts say about the industry's environment? Students need to include research from at least five sources accessed through OCLS.

2. Five total in-text citations and references for the General Environment.

c.The Organization's Market: i.What are the organization''s main products and services?

ii. What specific benefits do customers get from the products and services?

iii. What are the primary markets and market segments, as defined by the organization?

iv. What are the primary ways that customers learn about the products and services?

v. Approximately what percent of annual revenue is spent on marketing & sales efforts? 

d. Purpose or Mission of the Organization: i.Does the organization have a clear sense of mission?

ii. Is there a mission statement and is it communicated to those responsible for accomplishing it?

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Reference no: EM13670311

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What is the velocity of the air at the exit : A nozzle receives air at 104oC and 30 m/s. If the temperature drops to 50oC at the exit, what is the velocity of the air at the exit
Find what does the cross-sectional area have : A duct has an initial cross-sectional area of 0.58 m2. If the initial velocity of the air moving through the duct is 9.5 m/s, find what does the cross-sectional area have to be to increase the velocity to 15.0 m/s
What do experts say about the macro-environmental trends : What do experts say about the macro-environmental trends and forces? Students need to include research from at least five sources accessed through OCLS.
Determine how much work is produced by the turbine : Steam with a mass flow rate of 25 kg/s enters a turbine at 4 MPa and 700oC. determine how much work is produced by the turbine
Evaluate the skier speed at the bottom of the slope : An 83 kilogram skier starts at rest 250 meter up the side of a mountain. The skier then travels down the slope until the ground levels out at the bottom. Evaluate the skier speed at the bottom of the slope
Calculate the nominal gdp in period : Calculate the nominal GDP in period
Evaluate the final velocity of the bullet : A Metal Block of Mass M = 5.00 kilogram is hanging vertically from a string of length L=1.22 meter. Evaluate the final velocity of the bullet


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