Reference no: EM132858376
Worksheet - Reptiles
A. Read "Snakes of North America"
1) What are two primitive features of "slender blind snakes"?
2) Why do you think these snakes are blind?
3) What is the color of the "Rubber boa"?
4) Which is the largest family of snakes?
Click on two different Colubrid snakes, and fill in the information below:
5) Scientific name:
Color of snake:
Scientific name:
Color of snake:
6) Are the fangs of cobras in the front or the rear of the mouth?
7) What do coral snakes eat?
8) Look at the photograph of the Yellowbelly Sea Snake. Why do you think the end of its tail is flattened?
9) Why are rattlesnakes a "truly American family"?
10) Most rattlesnakes are in the genus: _____________________
11) What color is the Timber rattlesnake?
B. Look at "Snakes of South Carolina and Georgia"
12) Click on two different snakes, and summarize the information about them:
Name of snake:
Name of snake:
Click on "Herp Home", then under "Reptiles and Amphibians of SC and GA" at the bottom of the screen, click on "Lizards"
13) Where do green anoles live?
14) What do brown anoles eat?
15) Which skink listed here is in a different genus from the other three?
16) How can you tell that the five-lined skink in the photograph is a juvenile?
17) What type of forest do Broad-headed skinks prefer?
18) Which part of Florida has Coal skinks?
Read "Biologists close in on mystery of Sea Turtles ‘Lost Years' "
19) Which type of turtle is the subject of this study?
20) What do turtles feed on in the open ocean?
21) What does their "vegetarian diet" consist of?
22) Why may this information aid in conservation of the turtles?
23) Which biologist wrote "The Handbook of Turtles?
24) How deep is the ocean over continental shelves?
25) Which technique was used to distinguish herbivores from carnivores?
26) Where were the turtles in this study captured?
27) Why did explorers and colonists prize turtles?
28) When was the Endangered Species Act signed into law?
Read "Crocodilian Species List"
29) How many species of crocodilian are there worldwide?
Click on "Distribution Maps" on the left of the screen.
30) Which two parts of the world have the most crocodilians per country?
Click on "Species list" at the top of the screen, then click on "Nile Crocodile"
31) What is the average length of the Nile crocodile?
32) What do adult crocodiles eat?
33) How do spur-winged plovers help the crocodile?
34) What is an example of "primitive tool use"?
35) What are three countries where large populations can be found?
Click on "A. mississippiensis" at the top left of the page
36) Why are alligators found in brackish water but not in the sea?
37) Can alligators survive freezing?
38) At what temperature do alligators stop foraging?
Click on "bellowing" then click on "Courtship bellow"
39) Describe the sound of the bellow:
Click on one other alligator call.
40) Type of call:
Describe the call:
Attachment:- Reptiles.rar