What distinguishes the entrepreneur

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133169500

Question 1.

What distinguishes the entrepreneur from the conventional manager and what are the particular challenges that entrepreneurs face? How should entrepreneurs then deal with them

Question 2.

What additional challenges does a manager face when operating internationally and how should that manager deal with those additional challenges?

Reference no: EM133169500

Questions Cloud

Strategic management decision making : How do Six Sigma quality control programs benefit the Charleston Area Medical Center, and what are the two types of programs that they include?
New media on intercultural communication : The Impact of New Media on Intercultural Communication in Global Context, think about the innovations in digital media that have changed the way we think
Personal definition of Diversity : What is your personal definition of Diversity. Research and summarize the organization's Diversity policies and practices.
Defines the characteristics of leadership : Identify how the leader defines the characteristics of leadership. Identify what leaders influenced the selected leader.
What distinguishes the entrepreneur : What distinguishes the entrepreneur from the conventional manager and what are the particular challenges that entrepreneurs face?
Adopting western governance systems : Why are many countries adopting "western" governance systems similar to those found in United States and the United Kingdom that are more shareholder friendly?
Affect the expansion of multinational firm : There are a number of factors that affect the expansion of a multinational firm, including macroeconomic, political, regulatory, cultural, and social.
Inherent strengths and also to minimize inherent weaknesses : Organizations are structured to take advantage of their inherent strengths and also to minimize their inherent weaknesses.
The globalization or internationalization : The globalization, or internationalization, of the marketplace has become one of the defining events of our time.


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