What distinguishes eukaryotes from prokaryotes

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM132858378


The kingdom Protista is much more diverse than any other kingdom. Protists do not form a neat group that has certain traits in common instead they are extremely varied. It is just a grab-bag collection of organisms that do not fit into any other kingdom.

Protists are all eukaryotic but they vary widely, from single cells to huge 200ft long seaweeds. Some are photosynthetic, but others collect food like an animal. The main groups are the subkingdom algae (photosynthetic), protozoa (animal-like) and slime molds.

A) Web site name: Science Daily

Read "Weird ‘Engine of the Reef' revealed"

1) What is Symbiodinium? _________________________________________ 
2) What evidence is there that corals "farm" these plants? 

3) In what way are these algae "weird"?  
4) Why would a decline in the algae be harmful? _______________________ 

5) What environmental factor has caused coral bleaching in the last 30 years?
6) How many genes does Symbiodinium have? ___________________

7) What percentage of CO2 entering the oceans is used up by these algae? ______ %

B) Web site address: Science Daily

Read "Plodding amoeba"

8) What distinguishes eukaryotes from prokaryotes?

9) From where was this particular organism collected and isolated?

10) What is the scientific name of this amoeba?
______________ ________________

11) What is usual, or rare, about this particular species? ___________________

12) How many protein-coding genes does the amoeba have? ________________

13) How many genes may have been part of the first eukaryotes?

14) What protein is important in flagella?

15) Explain the "metabolic flexibility" that the amoeba exhibits. 

C) Web site name: Science daily

Read "Biologists engineer algae to make complex anti-cancer drug"

16) Why can't these drugs be made in bacteria? _______________________
17) Why can't these proteins be made in mammalian cells?

18) What is the scientific name for the green alga that is used here?
___________________ _______________________

19) What is the protein VEGF used to treat?

20) Why does the anti-cancer protein from algae only need to be purified one
time? _

21) Where inside the algae is the protein produced and sequestered?

D) Web site name: BBC News: Malaria

Read "Malaria - Ancient scourge"

22) How did "malaria" get its name? __________________________________

23) Explain the difference between "airport malaria" and "imported malaria"

Airport: ______________________________________________________

Imported: _____________________________________________________

Click on "How it Spreads"

24) Why does only the female mosquito transmit malaria?

25) What are three complications of severe malaria?

Click on "Treatment"

26) List the main parts of the world where malaria was endemic in 2003:

27) What are the two advantages, and one disadvantage of chloroquine?

Click on "Further steps"

28) What is the main focus now?

E) Web site name: Centers for Disease Control

Read several parts of "The History of Malaria". Pick out one that you find interesting.

29) Which section did you pick out? __________________________________

30) Summarize some of the information in this website: ___________________

Use a search engine (such as https://www.google.com/ ) to find recent articles about malaria, including vaccines, treatment or new drugs.

31) Which website did you find interesting? _____________________________

32) How recent is the information on the website? ________________________

33) Does the website have photos or diagrams? __________________________

34) Summarize the information on the website:

F) Web site name: Science Dialy

Read "New possibilities for Hydrogen-producing Algae"

35) In which habitat is this alga found? ________________________________

36) Which enzyme produces hydrogen? ________________________________

37) What chemical does this mutant strain of algae produce, which is a widely used industrial chemical?

38) What three environmental factors can be extremely variable in soil?

39) Why is it better to produce hydrogen from algae, instead of ethanol from crops? 

G) Web site name: Science Dialy

Read "Ancient diatoms lead to new technology for solar energy"

40) What chemical makes up the shell, or outer wall, of a diatom?

41) Why are researchers still interested in using diatoms, even though they are more expensive than some existing approaches?

42) What are two advantages of dye-sensitized technology compared to silicon?

43) Which chemical is used as the thin film semiconductor in this solar device?

44) Why are the holes in diatom shells useful? _________________________

45) How far back in the fossil record are diatoms found?

Attachment:- Protista.rar

Reference no: EM132858378

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