What difference could the answer to the question make

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Reference no: EM133510547

Reflection Problem

One of the key points of learning from experience is to reflect on what you did. Reflect on choosing an article. Answer the following questions in a document of between 250 and 500 words. Save your response as a word document and include a 7th edition APA cover page. Upload the document to complete the assignment. Do not cut and paste from any document of quote from any source. This is a reflection on your own experiences, so you should not need to do this.

Question I. How did you choose the question?
Question II. What difference could the answer to the question make?
Question III. Who will be affected by the answer to the question?
Question IV. Could anyone else be affected?

Reference no: EM133510547

Questions Cloud

What knowledge might be derived from that data : Describe the data that could be used and how the data might be collected and accessed. What knowledge might be derived from that data?
How another characteristic would change your response : Why the patient is presenting with the specific symptoms described. How another characteristic (e.g., gender, genetics) would change your response.
Describe your plan for establishing multidisciplinary team : Describe your plan for establishing a multidisciplinary team to produce the desirable change.
How can healthcare facilities establish a culture of safety : How can healthcare facilities establish a culture of safety? What is the nurse's role in maintaining a culture of safety?
What difference could the answer to the question make : What difference could the answer to the question make? Who will be affected by the answer to the question? Could anyone else be affected?
What would you do if they asked for more pain medication : You are caring for patient that has a high pain tolerance due to chronic pain and does not look like. What would you do if they asked for more pain medication?
Describe the differences between acute and chronic pain : Describe the differences between acute and chronic pain? Discuss the clinical manifestations and etiologies of acute and chronic pain.
What problem solving and leadership skills : What problem solving and leadership skills are/would be demonstrated by the nurse in this scenario?
Risk for opportunistic infections : Those that have AIDS are more at risk for opportunistic infections.


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