Reference no: EM131877253
Follow the instruction and outline below.
My sector is Cell Phone industry in China
Sector Research Paper
Key Guidlelines
(A) First pick a sector in a foreign country (not the United States) and then show how one or more companies in the sector used 3 of the strategies from the list below. The strategies chosen should have been used within the last 5 years. The sector (or sub sector) chosen should have at least 3 major companies competing against each other. Please follow the suggested outline for the paper (shown below) and document all your research (citations & bibliography: APA Style).
(B) This paper will be graded for content, organization and analytical input
List of Possible Company or Sector Strategies for the Research Paper #1
1. New Listing on Stock Markets
2. Privatization
3. Outsourcing
4. Diversification
5. Differentiation
6. Localization or local responsiveness
7. Standardization or global approach
8. Changing the Top Management
9. Entering new foreign markets: exporting, acquisitions, licensing, FDI, alliances, joint venture, franchising (each counts as one).
10. Economies of Scale Production
11. Economies of Scope
12. Logistics/distribution management
13. Changing company structure/design
14. General staffing or training strategy
15. Using or developing new technology
16. Natural resource/parts acquisition
17. Managing supplier relationships
18. E-Commerce Strategies
19. New promotion strategies
20. New pricing Strategies
21. Contract negotiation strategy
22. Using Network Relationships
23. Other____________________
Suggested Outline for the Paper #1 (7-10 pages)
I. Introduction (2 pages/ 1 ½ spacing) (Sector Analysis)
A. General country background information (half page)
B. General sector background: history, size, leaders, followers, challengers
C.Patterns of ownership; Main M&A activities.
D. Importance of the sector to the economy (employment etc.)
E. Key Developments in the sector during the period considered.
II. Strategy Exploration: for your 3 chosen strategies (1 page) (1 ½ spacing)
A. Strategy Definition: give an academic definition and explanation of each strategy.
B. Strategy Focus: describe BRIEFLY when & why you think each strategy was used.
III. Strategy Analysis: for your 3 chosen strategies (2-3 pages) (1 ½ spacing).
*** Stakeholder Relationship Analysis:1. Customers 2. Employees 3. The local community 4. The government 5. Alliances 6. Competitors 7. Investors
Put short descriptions in the STAKEHOLDER ANALYSIS TABLE BELOW. These are brief descriptions of how the strategies impacted the groups or how the groups influenced strategy decisions.
(Below: include the Stakeholder Analysis Table in your paper!!)
Stakeholder Impact Analysis Table
(Impact on ) Strategy I Strategy II Strategy III
A. Most Significant Stakeholder Relationships:
After you complete the table, please explain and analyze the most significant stakeholder impact situations.
B. Competitive Position Analysis (Overall): try to answer the following questions:
a. Was or will the companies or sector be better able to produce or deliver products or services after using these strategies? Explain.
b. Are there any significant weaknesses in the strategies used?
c. Any potential developments that could seriously change the outlook for the company or sector despite the strategies used?
IV. Conclusion (2-3 pages) (1 ½ spacing):
A. How might the chosen strategies impact (or have impacted) long term economic growth, profitability or new business activity in the company or sector ?
B. What did you learn or find interesting in doing the paper?
What do you think of the general role of strategy in company or sector performance?