What did you learn from the feedback

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM131160172

Mock Interview Project-

After completing your in-person mock interview, write a 1 to 2-page, single-spaced paper describing your experience. Be sure to include:

• Description of your in-person mock interview experience.

o Who did you interview with?
o What was the setting of the interview?
o What are some of the questions that were asked and answered?
o Why was this experience beneficial to you?
o Reflect on the feedback provided on the
o What did you learn from the feedback?
o How is practicing interviewing in person different from practicing online via Optimal Resume? Which method do you find most helpful and why?
o Why practicing answering and asking interview questions is important.
o Why proper professional communication is critical in the interview process.

Reference no: EM131160172

Questions Cloud

Where is the greatest potential for e-commerce businesses : According to the text, where is the greatest potential for e-commerce businesses?
Evaluate both the advocates'' position and critics position : Evaluate both the advocates' position and the critics' position. Determine which position you support and defend your position. Cite a minimum of 3 peer-reviewed sources not including your textbook.
What is a vaccine information sheet : Educating a parent on how to properly hold a child during immunizations, What is a Vaccine Information Sheet (VIS) and why are they used? Where to find vaccination records.
Determine the flow rate of sodium hydroxide required : Two beds are used, with one in operation and one in regeneration. If the bed is designed to be 80% loaded at the end of a 2 hour operation cycle, estimate the bed volume. Also determine the flow rate of sodium hydroxide required during the regener..
What did you learn from the feedback : What did you learn from the feedback? How is practicing interviewing in person different from practicing online via Optimal Resume? Which method do you find most helpful and why?
Which food is an excellent source of vitamin e : Sailors of the 18th century would often be at sea for months living on dried bread and meats, water and cheese. After approximately three months on this diet, some sailors would exhibit symptoms of irritability, achy joints and bleeding gums/loose..
Benefits of leasing vs purchasing hardware and software : Your responses to the questions and statements must be supported with 2-3 academic sources in addition to the textbook, such as case studies and empirical studies.
Design a suitable packed column for this duty : The column will operate at 1.1 bar and ambient temperature. If necessary, the aqueous stream may be recirculated to maintain a suitable wetting rate.
Write a email that reminding standard operating procedures : Write a procedural email message to employees reminding them of standard operating procedures or organizational changes that take the form of step-by-step instructions.


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