Reference no: EM133205930
Assignment: Dietary Fiber of Intact Cereal Food Products presentation
Make a review of the selected paper.
Article: Determination of Total Dietary Fiber of Intact Cereal Food Products by Near-Infrared Reflectance by Douglas D. Archibald and Sandra E. Kays.
First slide: Name of the paper, Journal and year.
I. Introduction: from the paper and also from other sources if the paper brings few information about fibers. we are not interested only about the health benefits, if the paper talks only about it, get more information related to food technology. We are working with cereal technology, try to make a nice introduction regarding the role of fiber in food, different quality aspects in food related to fiber.
II. Materials and Methods: Make it clear for the others to understand. You can also add as a flow chart. Add materials used quantities according to the methodology and the methodology should be complete. If the methodology cites the AOAC method, please search for the method and explain.
III. Results and discussion: Explain the results regarding the content of fiber. If the paper brings other aspects related to sensory and quality analysis, add these results. Add results (graphs, tables, figures with legends) in one slide and explain the results and discussion with few texts if necessary.
IV. At the end of Results and Discussion session, summarize the results and discussion as topics, to make it clear for everybody, like a conclusion for the results. It will serve for questions and answers.
V. Conclusion: What is the authors conclusion of the paper and what did you learn from the experiments, why is this paper relevant for food technology? Do you think the paper has any gap? Comment what do you think they should have added.