What did you expect to accomplish on the project

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Reference no: EM133159865 , Length: word count:1200

Assignment 1- Status Report

In Week 10, you will provide a detailed project presentation for your new information system project. Because of its importance to the organization, your presentation must be thoughtful and visually appealing. To help you stay on track for this three-week effort, the executives have assigned you a project manager. For each week leading up to the presentation, you are expected to turn in a short (less than one page) status report.

It must address just four things:
1. What did you expect to accomplish on the project this week?
2. What did you actually accomplish on the project this week?
3. What issues have arisen, and what help do you need?
4. What do you expect to accomplish on the project next week?

Assignment 2 - Status Report

Your big presentation is due next week! Update your project manager with what has happened since your last report.

Include these 4 things:
1. What did you expect to accomplish on the project this week? (Copy this from item 4 of last week's report.)
2. What did you actually accomplish on the project this week?
3. What issues have arisen, and what help do you need?
4. What must you accomplish to be ready for the kickoff presentation next week?

Attachment:- Week_status_report_template.rar

Reference no: EM133159865

Questions Cloud

Research paper outline : Research paper outline. Purchasing and Supplier Relationship. Customer Relationship Management. Quality Management
Conflict theory and symbolic interaction theory : Provide a brief definition of Conflict Theory. How do Conflict Theory and Symbolic Interaction Theory explain or impact organizational change?
What did you actually accomplish on the project : What issues have arisen, and what help do you need - What must you accomplish to be ready for the kickoff presentation next week
Presentation for your new information system project : Detailed project presentation for your new information system project. Because of its importance to the organization
What did you expect to accomplish on the project : What did you expect to accomplish on the project this week and What must you accomplish to be ready for the kickoff presentation next week
Identify the current issues the business is facing : Develop a professional plan and rationale for implementing an HRIS into an organization.
What specific branch of the u.s. government is involved : What specific branch of the U.S. government is involved in this current event - What are your opinions on the issue? Use relevant facts and supporting evidence
Create an accurate visual for the data : Create an accurate visual for the data that helps communicate a story/solution to the audience. The visual uses appropriate size, text, color, and labels
Describe what you learned while developing your program : Create a presentation of your selected program using the presentation software of your choice that includes the program name, needs analysis


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