Reference no: EM132578118 , Length: word count:250
When the Pittsburgh Pirates in Major League Baseball decided to build its new baseball stadium, the ground under the site needed excavation first. Underneath it dirt archeologists found thousands of artifacts from the cities first mayor General William Robinson's enormous house that was flooded back in 1832, showing the cities rich heritage.
Write 250-400 words about the article. Do not start a new thread -- just hit "reply" on your second post (the one "claiming" one of your classmates' threads.) Whether you write your report as an itemized list is up to you, but try to address all of these points to at least some degree:
Question 1. What happened, and why is this an important discovery or a newsworthy event? (What's the news?)
Question 2. Where was the discovery (or discoveries) made?
Question 3. What is the archaeological culture or period in question (Upper Paleolithic, Vikings, Inca, etc.)?
Question 4. How old is it (1300 years old, 2nd millennium BC, mid-nineteenth-century, etc.)?
Question 5. Is the author an archaeologist? (Many of these articles are written by journalists.)
Question 6. What archaeologist(s) were involved in the work? What are their affiliations (their universities, institutes, etc.)?
Question 7. Are issues raised in the article presented as being controversial or in doubt (and how, and to whom)?
Question 8. What did this article teach you about archaeology (in other words, about how we learn about the past)?
Question 9. Why did you personally find this article interesting?
Question 10. What unanswered question(s) do you have after reading this?