Reference no: EM132259931
Cultural Diversity in Health & Illness
Multiple Choice Questions
1. The nurse desires to become more culturally competent when providing care to patients from non-English- speaking cultures. Which action would the nurse take to achieve this self-expectation?
a. Commit to a time-consuming journey
b. Find a seminar on cultural competence
c. Talk to people from different cultures
d. Attend a festival from a different culture
2. The staff development educator is analyzing ways to incorporate cultural competency concepts in continuing education programs. How will the educator explain the concept of cultural competency to staff?
a. Philosophy
b. Condition
c. Theory
d. Fad
3. A health care organization is planning continuing education for all staff on culturally and linguistically appropriate service delivery. Which category of culturally and linguistically appropriate services in health care will this action support?
a. Fundamentals of culturally competent care
b. Speaking of culturally competent care
c. Structuring culturally competent care
d. Manage the dynamics of difference
4. The nurse is unable to locate an interpreter to support a patient from a non-English-speaking culture. The patient asks a family member to interpret for the staff. What would the nurse do to ensure culturally and linguistically appropriate services for this patient?
a. Use sign language.
b. Write the questions down for the patient to answer.
c. Do nothing until an interpreter can be located.
d. Use the family member as an interpreter until a non-family member can be located.
5. A patient from a non-English-speaking culture comes into the health clinic seeking care. The nurse is unable to determine the patient's primary language. What should the nurse do?
a. Notify Security
b. Encourage the patient to seek care elsewhere
c. Ask for help to determine the patient's primary language
d. Contact a homeless shelter
6. In a non-English-speaking patient's medical records, it is indicated that he has no family. However, a large group of people stating that they are the patient's family have just arrived to the critical care unit. What impact does this miscommunication have on the patient's care?
a. Increase the cost
b. Poor decision making
c. Improve the outcomes
d. Enhance therapeutic communication
7. The nurse working in a Joint Commission-accredited organization is admitting a patient from a non-English- speaking culture. Which action supports the Joint Commission principle of effective communication?
a. Manage the dynamics of difference
b. Value diversity
c. Assess communication needs
d. Adapt to diversity
8. The nurse determines that a patient is in the process of acculturation. What did the nurse assess in this patient?
a. Americanization of the patient's name
b. Engaging in activities with members of the family's preferred social group
c. Speaking the family's native language
d. none of the above
9. A patient born in a European country speaks excellent American English. The nurse realizes that this patient has achieved which type of assimilation?
a. Marital
b. Cultural
c. Primary structural
d. Secondary structural
10. The nurse is planning care for an older patient. What will the nurse take into consideration to reduce generational conflict?
a. Events that occurred when the patient was 10 years of age
b. Ethnocultural status of the nurse
c. Age of the nurse
d. All of the above.
11. A seminal event in the boomer generation that can still elicit comments today is the question:
a. "Where were you when John F. Kennedy was shot?"
b. "Do you remember Pearl Harbor?"
c. "What were you doing on September 11, 2001?"
d. "How did the Challenger tragedy affect you?"
12. The staff development instructor is planning a seminar that focuses on the variables leading to generational conflict. What will the instructor include in this content?
a. Decade of birth
b. Generation in the United States
c. Class
d. All of the above.
13. A health care provider comments that a patient is "too old to take care of herself" and needs to "let a man make decisions for her." The nurse recognizes that this health care provider is demonstrating which misanthropic feelings?
a. Ethnocentrism
b. Sexism
c. Racism
d. Heterosexism
14. According to the 2010 Census, 40.3 million people are aged 65 and over. What are the long-term implications for the health of this group?
a. Providing health care that is focused on gerontological needs
b. Developing medications to prolong life at any cost
c. Providing health insurance for all age groups
d. Developing systems to provide health care only to those older citizens who remain healthy
15. A patient, an immigrant from another country, is waiting to be seen in the Emergency Department. What difficulties is this
16. The nurse notes that a larger number of foreign-born patients are being seen in the hospital. From which leading country are the majority of foreign-born, legal permanent residents?
a. Europe
b. Mexico
c. South America
d. None of the above.
17. ______________ are legally accorded the privilege of residing permanently in the United States.
a. Legal Permanent Residents
b. Illegal aliens
c. Refugees
d. none of the above
18. The nurse desires employment in a metropolitan area with a high percentage of foreign-born legal residents. In which areas would the nurse consider employment?
a. New York City
b. Los Angeles
c. Miami
d. All of the above.
19. The nurse is trying to determine if a patient is a refugee. Which characteristics would the patient need to fulfill in order to be classified as a refugee?
a. Person is outside the country of nationality
b. Person is unable to return to the country of nationality because of persecution
c. Person is unable to return to the country of nationality because of fear of persecution
d. All of the above.
20. What disease prevention and health promotion determinants would the nurse review when assessing a patient?
a. Learn the patient's lifestyle
b. Understand the patient's environment
c. Identify how to measure progress
d. a and b only
21. Besides being important public health issues and motivating people to action, what purpose do the Healthy People 2020 objectives serve?
a. Measure the impact of prevention activities
b. Provide monetary worth to the nation
c. Replace other tools
d. Identify people needing secondary health services
22. Why would health care providers refer to Healthy People 2020 when providing patient care?
a. It serves as a monitoring system that evaluates the health of all citizens.
b. It supports health policies that provide monetary incentives to states who reach the benchmark goals.
c. It provides a plan to continue to improve the health of everyone in the United States.
d. It is mandated legislation that will result in a healthier population by 2020.
23. While reviewing the Healthy People 2020 document, the nurse identifies what as being the main objectives of the program?
a. Ensuring that all Americans have one physical each year
b. Emphasize an ecological approach to disease prevention and health promotion.
c. Ensuring that all Americans have health insurance
d. Eliminating childhood diseases
24. Within the Healthy People 2020 document, what characteristics contribute to health disparity in the United States?
a. Race
b. Religion
c. Gender
d. All of the above.
25. What is the Healthy People 2020 goal for health disparities?
a. Achieve health equity, eliminate disparities, and improve the health of all groups.
b. Reduce health disparities among Americans.
c. Eliminate health disparities among Americans.
d. Recognize health disparities among elderly