Reference no: EM132760338
Why don't horses wear gloves? They have no hands.How many times can you take away 2 from 100?
What did the mouse say to the cheese?
Which was the tallest Mountain before Mt. Everest was discovered?
What begins with an 'e' ends with an 'e' and only has one letter?
If a guy has 320 eggs and you take 37 eggs, how eggs do you have?
Which is heavier, a ton of metal or a ton of feather?
Which two days of the week begins with letter T other than Tuesday and Thursday?
Mention something you cannot eat during breakfast?
When a rooster lays eggs on top of a slanted roof, which way will it roll?
When there was a blackout, how did the bus driver see a dog on the road?
What is the common thing between Henry the Eighth and Kermit?
What is a 10 letter word that has thousands of words in it?
What normally stands up and grows down?