What did the author mention about the ethics of recruitment

Assignment Help Business Law and Ethics
Reference no: EM133388890


Reading a peer-review journal article answering the following questions.

  1. Which sections contain the material most essential to your understanding the article? Explain your response.
  2. Identify the main points of the article using clues at the document and paragraph levels. Note where in the article you find the information (e.g., e.g. the page, section, and/or paragraph).
  3. Identify features of the article that you can use to determine the credibility of its content and its author(s).
  4. What specific problem does the article address? Why is this problem important?
  5. What method does the researcher use to gather data?
  6. What did the author mention about the ethics of recruitment and/or data collection? What ethical considerations do you think should have been addressed?
  7. What are the specific findings and/or claims of the article? Summarize it
  8. Does the author support his/her claims with persuasive evidence? Identify the claims and describe the evidence relevant to your response.
  9. Does the author address alternative interpretations of the data and/or perspectives on the issues that are different from the one he/she espouses? Are there other interpretations and/or perspectives that the author does not address that you think are relevant?
  10. Did the author refer to potential limitations to the findings/interpretations of the data? If so what were they? If not, what limitations to the findings/interpretation would you consider?
  11. In what ways are the author's findings and/or claims unique, new, or unusual, relative to other work in the field? In what ways are they supportive of other work in the field? If you aren't sure, how could you find out?
  12. What are the specific applications of the ideas presented in this article (e.g., to our understanding of human behavior and/or the human condition)? What are some further scientific studies that would answer remaining questions?

Reference no: EM133388890

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