Reference no: EM131067419
1. In class we discussed the contributions of Athens to western civilizations. For 5 points each, write a paragraph of five of the contributions and explain the significance or "hinge" to western civilization.( total 25 points)
a) Democracy: Democracy is perhaps the biggest influence that Athens has had on the west. In 594 BC Solon was elected the first archon (highest state of office). Solon is known for his premise as the main backdrop for political change in Athens. He had found a way to divide the population into 4 demographics based on the amount of crop they harvest, established the council of 400, the jury court, he standardized a system for measuring and weighting things, and also increased the right of the general public. Democracy was born out of a purpose in order to not have an elite group of members that control government, diversify the society, and eliminate financial differences within the government. The meaning of democracy literally translates into power of the people, the original concept of Democracy for anyone above the age of 20 has a rights to govern government. This is also true in the United States, when an individual becomes 18 he or she has the right to vote for the next President of the United States. Additionally, in many town hall meetings or small chamber meetings, speakers on the floor must be legally 18 within the United States.
b) Sciences: Thales of Miletus is considered as the first philosopher and also the first scientist. He had traveled across Asia Europe and Africa in order to gather much knowledge and wisdom. He brought new inventions and ideas such as methods for navigation, or mathematical knowledge from Babylon to Greece, as well as astronomy where he was the first person to ever predict the eclipse of the sun. Pythagoras was a Greek philosopher and mathematician that is known widely in the west for his Pythagorean theorem. He introduced the Pythagorean cult which focused on numbers and sought harmony in the world through measurement.
c)Philosophy in Athens focused on the role of reason behind inquiry, which played a major role on influencing modern philosophy and science. Many of the teachings and understandings of the ancient Greek traveled to as far as the empires of Islam, to the European Renaissance Enlightenment, to modern day natural science and technology. Considered as the father of western philosophy, the Greek philosopher Socrates influenced greats such as Plato and Aristotle. He has major influence on the western philosophy of inquiry which has become the very foundation of western philosophy.
d) Architecture: When you think of Greekesk style you always think of precision, the Greek were known for their meticulous and ever precise architecture. There are formulas that the Greek have invented from 6th century B.C. that are still used today in the world of architecture.
2. Why is the western world fascinated by Sparta? Write a paragraph that explains this.
3. In the handout "The Greek Explosion" the class read and discussed the contributions of early Greece to western civilization. In a paragraph each write of the contributions of the following: ( 20 points total)
a) Thales (include his two main principles)
b) Pythagoras
c) Socrates
d) Plato
4. In class we read and discussed the "Funeral Oration" of Pericles. Answer the following. (20 points total)
a) Who was Pericles and why was the speech delivered?
b) What did Pericles tell us about life in Athens?
c) What was the role of women in Athenian society?
d) What did Pericles mean when he said ""I do not mourn with the parents of the dead... rather I comfort them"?
5. From the handout "What the Romans Knew" the author writes that the Romans "possessed a fierce respect for and love of law". Write a paragraph about the role law played in their society for both the Patricians and the Plebeians.
6. For each write of their contribution to Roman life and their contribution to our world. (20 points total)
a) Cicero
b) Seneca
c) Tacitus
d) Lucretius
7. Write a paragraph about your research topic and select two of your sources (title and author) and report on your progress for the PowerPoint, annotated bib, and research paper.
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