What did mussolini promise the people of italy

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM133373900


Introduction Video:

Video 1 Mussolini's Rise in Italy

  • What were some of the frustrations of the Italian people during the 1920s?
  • What did Mussolini promise the people of Italy? (2:04)

Video 2 Mussolini's Italy:

  • Fascist architecture was used to remind the people that what was the most important thing? (1:35)
  • What did the Italian people sacrifice as a result of allowing Mussolini to take power? (1:54)

Video 2 Hitler's Rise:

  • What did Hitler promise everyone (0:50)?
  • What was Lebensraum? (2:07)
  • Why do you think people were willing to listen and believe Hitler?

Video 3 Hitler's Anti-Intellectual Movement:

  • In creating a fascist state, who gets silenced? (0:34)
  • What kind of books were burned in Germany after Hitler's rise to power? Why? (2:05)

Video 4 Protecting Democracy:

  • What are some ways that Germany today ensures the horrors of the Nazism do not repeat themselves?
  • What happened in Europe when the people allowed leaders to take extra constitutional powers (2:33)?
  • What two things are not guaranteed to us today (2:50)?
  • What did you think of these videos? (2 to 3 sentences answer)

Reference no: EM133373900

Questions Cloud

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What are breadth and depth strategies and how do they differ : In reference to vocabulary development in children what are the breadth and depth strategies and how do they differ?
What did mussolini promise the people of italy : What were some of the frustrations of the Italian people during the 1920s? What did Mussolini promise the people of Italy?
Evaluate the historical evolution of popular culture : Evaluate the historical evolution of popular culture and the ways in which it reflects and shapes society.
Explain why affected area is red and swollen : Explain why the affected area is red and swollen. Why might healing be slow in the scraped area?
What makes this location unique, and perhaps even surreal : level of fascination as some of the locations described in the Gernsback Continuum. What makes this location unique, and perhaps even surreal
Definition of nationalism and liberalism : Consider the definition of nationalism and liberalism. Which 19th century ideology has had the greatest impact on the world today?


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