Reference no: EM131329217
It was in the nineteenth year of the reign of Diocletian, in the month ...called April by the Romans, about the time of the feast of our savior's passion, while Flavianus was governor of the province of Palestine, that letters were published everywhere, commanding that the churches be leveled to the ground and the Scriptures be destroyed by fire, and ordering that those who held places of honor be degraded, and that imperial freedmen, if they persisted in the profession of Christianity, be deprived of freedom.
Such was the force of the first edict against us. But not long after, other letters were issued commanding that all the bishops of the churches, everywhere be first thrown into prison, and compelled to sacrifice [to the gods] .......Eusebius during the reign of Diocletian (284 AD-305AD)
According to this document, what steps were taken regarding Christians by the government? Please explain the historical context when completing both writing assignments
Among our other measures for the advantage of the Empire, we have hitherto endeavored to bring all things into conformity with the ancient laws and public order of the Romans. We have been especially anxious that even the Christians, who have abandoned the religion of their ancestors, should return to reason... After the publication, on our part, or an order commanding Christians to return to the observance of the ancient customs, many of them, it is true, submitted in view of the danger, while many others suffered death.
Nevertheless, since many of them have continued to persist in their opinions...we, with our wonted clemency, have judged it is wise to extend a pardon even to these men and permit them once more to become Christians and reestablish their places of meeting; in such manner,, however, that they shall in no way offend against good order... Edict of Emperor Galerius 311 AD
What did Galerius want from the Christians? How did he ultimately decide to treat them?
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