What derivatives are and how are they used to manage risk

Assignment Help Risk Management
Reference no: EM131403075


Corporate Finance, Ch. 10: Risks and Return

Consider the following as you read:

1. Understand how capital gains and percentage returns are calculated.
2. Explain the difference between average stock returns and risk-free returns.
3. Explain how the Sharpe Ratio is used to manage risk.
4. Describe the significance of US equity risk premiums as a method of comparison with other countries

Corporate Finance, Ch. 11: Return and Risk - Capital Asset Pricing Model

Consider the following as you read:

1. Describe how variance and standard deviation are used to measure the variability of individual stocks.
2. Explain how an investor chooses the best portfolio of stock to hold.
3. Discuss how diversification is used to mitigate risk in the portfolio.
4. Describe the relationship between risk and expected return (CAPM).

Corporate Finance, Ch. 13: Risk, Cost of Capital, and Valuation

Consider the following as you read:

1. Explain how the risk-free rate, market risk premium and stock beta are used to calculate expected returns using the capital asset pricing model (CAPM).

2. Explain how cyclicality of revenues and operating leverage help determine beta.

3. Describe the dividend discount model (DDM) approach and how is it different than CAPM.

4. Understand how to calculate the weighted average cost of capital to determine the optimum level of debt and equity to finance an investment.

Corporate Finance, Ch. 25: Derivatives and Hedging Risk

Consider the following as you read:

1. What derivatives are and how are they used to manage risk.
2. Distinguish between forward contracts and future contracts.
3. Compare and contrast the various types of swap contracts.


You were a chemistry wizard in high school and developed the next generation insect repellent that is much more effective and environmentally friendly than anything on the market currently. You have done your market research and the product has market appeal. You are ready to bring your product into production and to market.


How you will get financing.
How much financing you will need.


Based on the DS1 scenario, discuss how will you price your product.

Reference no: EM131403075

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