What defenses might the relevant persons allege in response

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133625684

Assignment: Project- Introduction to the Legal Environment of Business

Step I: Complete Your Skills Gap Analysis

As instructed by the VP, Kenneth Dodger, use this skills gap analysis instrument to self-evaluate your knowledge and skills before beginning your work. Submit your preliminary skills gap analysis to the submission dropbox located in the step of this project. Please identify the skills you will be focusing on during this class in the appropriate column after completing each part of the gap analysis instrument.

In the next step, you will start to review the cases Kenneth Dodger has assigned to you.

Step II: Review Case One: Blue Mood Clothing, Inc.

Now that you've finished your skills gap analysis and GAP survey, you take some time to collect your thoughts and review the first case Vice President Dodger assigned to you. First, you need an introduction to the legal environment of business. Next, you open the Blue Mood Clothing, Inc. case file to assess the details of this assignment.

Upon completing your initial review of the file, you begin thinking about the legal issues contained in the file. In the next step, you will gather the information you need to answer the questions from the VP.

Step III: Gather and Analyze Information

As you read through the materials, try to begin answering the questions Vice President Dodger asked you. You will likely encounter many new legal concepts, so take notes about which sections apply to this case so that you can easily refer back to them when you begin to write your presentation. The VP's precise questions about the legal issues are as follows:

Question A. Can Colossal Corporation terminate Alex without any notice or a hearing? Why or why not? This question relates to employment-at-will.

Question B. Did Alex, Nick, Bill, or Juanita commit any crimes and, if so, which crimes did each person commit? Fully explain your answer for each person as you explore the subject of business criminal law.

Question C. What defenses, if any, might the relevant persons allege in response to the crimes you identified? Fully explain your answer for each person.

Question D. Did Alex, Nick, Bill, or Juanita commit any intentional torts and, if so, which intentional torts did each person commit? Read about the law of tortsin order to make your determinations.

Question E. What defenses, if any, might the relevant persons allege in response to the intentional torts you identified? Fully explain your answer for each person.

Question F. Can anyone collect damages for the intentional torts? Who can collect and whom would they sue? Detail the specific damages that may be available to potential plaintiffs as you read about tort damages.

In the next step, you will formalize your thoughts so that they are ready to put into your presentation.

Step IV: Focus on Your Rationale and Conclusions: Create Your Outline

You've finished your research. You've reflected on how the facts and the law come together in this situation. You've analyzed the possible arguments and determined which seem most reasonable. Now it is time to formulate these arguments, addressing all the issues raised by the narrative in the Blue Mood Clothing, Inc. case file Vice President Dodger gave you.

Outline your presentation to the leadership team, either on paper or in a Word document; don't make the PowerPoint yet. Review your outline to make certain it covers all relevant points and progresses in a logical order. Identify the major bullet points that you will highlight on your slides, and allocate the appropriate supporting information to each bullet point-make sure that you have adequately covered all the relevant arguments or reasons needed to support them. In the next step, you'll use your outline to create the PowerPoint presentation for the VP.

Step V: Communicate Your Findings and Conclusions to the Vice President of Colossal Corporation: Create Your PowerPoint

You have finished getting all of your ideas organized surrounding the Blue Mood Clothing case when you receive an email with delivery instructions from Vice President Dodger:

From: Kenneth Dodger, Vice President, Colossal Corporation

To: You

Just wanted to check in as you begin to communicate your findings and conclusions on the Blue Mood Clothing case.

I'd like you to use your outline and research notes from your work on this case to prepare a narrated PowerPoint for the senior leadership team. As you will not deliver this in person, it will need to follow the form of an asynchronous presentation.

Further, here is a list of additional requirements I need you to follow to meet standard presentation protocol:

A. Include a title slide, with your name on it, introducing the presentation.
B. On the presentation slides, include only the major bullet points for each issue.
C. Include no more than 20 slides.
D. Use your narration to provide the supporting rationale for each major bullet point.
E. Include a script of your narration in the notes section of the PowerPoint.
F. Title your files using this protocol: yourlastname_BlueMoodPowerPoint_date.
G. The slide must present a clear summary of your major conclusions and any recommendations.

Reference no: EM133625684

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