Reference no: EM133693507
Business Analytics Project Management
Project Simulation: Project Risk Management Methods
Assessment Background
You are part of business with a successful contact centre handing calls, texts and live chats from customers each day.
Over recent times, the company has realised that the contact centre service could be improved but require proof of the current operation and where improvements could be made.
In order to decide how to upgrade the current contact centre system, you have been asked to be part of a team to perform the following:
Start a project to assess the current performance of the contact centre and potentially redevelop the contact centre platform
This initial phase of the project will be an analytics project to determine the current state of the contact centre and where possible improvements can be made. This could include what data to collect, how it will be analysed and the type of results that could be observed
The second phase of the project, following the successful completion of the analytics phase of the project, is how a full redevelopment of the contact centre platform may be undertaken. This could include what features could be incorporated into the new system, what business problems need to be address and what data could be captured.
You can choose the industry your contact centre belongs to and the customer base it services. However, this needs to be clearly stated to ensure clear articulation of the business problems.
Assessment Task
You will create groups of four (4)
You will participate in a simulation of a "Project Initiation Stakeholder Meeting"
You will discuss the initial Analytical project (phase 1) and the subsequent potential platform redevelopment (phase 2)
The meeting will cover the following areas of discussion
Justify the analytics project in a general sense
Business understanding
Data and analytics required
Monitoring required
Identify and explain and general style in which the project will be managed (Waterfall, Scrum, Kanban, Github or other)
Risk assessment
Explain aspects of the industry chosen and what data you will gather from the business and externally to support the analytics project with measurable KPIs
Explain the style in which the project will be managed (Waterfall, Scrum, Kanban or other) and why
Key benefits of the proposed methodology
Risks and how these will be captured and monitored
The use of predictive project analytics Your project management team roles are:
Business lead (understands management styles)
Think of this role as the project manager who will articulate the plan and methodology for both the analytics project and the future development with clear KPIs and success metrics
Business expert (Contact Centre manager)
Think of this role as the key business partner who will understand the potential business problems and what is required for success both initially and on-going
Analytics and Risk expert
Think of this role as the analytics and risk expert who is a key project resource to perform the analysis and identify and monitor risk within both phases of the project
Executive of the company (understands business strategy and funding of projects)
Think of this role as the project sponsor who provides strategic direction and funding. The executive is responsible for asking questions and probing the teams analysis and plan.
Part A: Written Paper - Meeting preparation Document
Your group will be given 50 minutes to discuss and prepare for the meeting. The team will also write dot points on the project and hand this in.
Think of the dot points as the key discussion points of the meeting from each stakeholders perspective
What needs to be understood
Why does the project need to happen
Who could have responsibility for certain aspect of the project
The list of dot point should be from the perspective of each of the meeting stakeholders
What are the key messages each stakeholder in the meeting needs to articulate
What are the key business problems and outcome for each stakeholder
What are the concerns and the project success criteria from the perspective of each stakeholder
One paper will be produced and handed in from each team (500 words)
Part B: In Person Meeting Simulation
Following the 50-minute meeting preparation, you will be asked to participate in a live meeting lasting 8 to 10-minute
The meeting should cover the points raised in the meeting preparation document including a healthy discussion to present and talk through the issues and concerns for each stakeholder
Please be as dramatic and realistic in your roles as possible, and try your best to convey the main points addressing the key issues from the perspective of each stakeholder
You can divide the tasks as you wish, although they will naturally fit better with some members than others
Have fun with it! (The executive could be demanding)