What data you have made available in different places

Assignment Help Management Theories
Reference no: EM133424944

Case Study:

Scenario 1: A boss sees an employee who called in "sick" in a picture that someone posted on Instagram. In this picture, the employee is partying the night before. The boss fires the employee.

Scenario 2: A company who has contracts with the Federal Government doesn't want to hire you because a Facebook friend leaves lots of enthusiastic "legalize marijuana" postings on your wall.

Scenario 3: A teacher is fired because there's a picture of this teacher holding alcoholic drinks on her Facebook page.

Scenario 4: Someone's Netflix rental history is being used as evidence in a murder case because this person rented a log of horror movies.

Scenario 5: An 18 year old boy is charged with distributing child pornography when he uses his cell phone to send naked images of his 17 year old ex-girlfriend to his friends.

Questions: After choosing one of the scenarios above to focus on for this presentation.

1. Provide your name and the scenario that you chose to focus on for your project
2. In your scenario, did the people have the right to use the information they did or should it have been private? Why?
3. Are the people who were affected by the use of this information at fault? Why?
4. Give another example of something unexpected happening because of information shared at sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, blogs, LinkedIn, etc.
5. Think about what data you've made available in different places/spaces such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, texting, email, etc. What might other people think about who you are based on this data? Is it an accurate impression of who you are?
6. Consider the following broad categories of societal change:

  • Privacy
  • Safety
  • Globalization
  • Connectivity (keeping in touch with people)
  • Permanence of historical information

Reference no: EM133424944

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