What data will need to be collected on customer profile form

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133477677


Systems Analysis and Design

Directions: Be sure to save an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English, spelling and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be a minimum of four (4) double spaced pages; refer to the "Assignment Format" page located on the Course Home page for specific format requirements.

Part A. Pine Valley Furniture has several types of customers, including corporate, student, home office, and family. Develop a profile form for family customers. What data will need to be collected on the Customer Profile Form?

Part B. Using the guidelines presented in the chapter, design the Products by Demographics Summary Report for Pine Valley Furniture.

Part C. Using the guidelines presented in the chapter, design the Customer Purchasing Frequency Report for Pine Valley Furniture.

Reference no: EM133477677

Questions Cloud

Difference between primary and secondary lymphedema : Why does some antibodies exist and recognize antigens for a lifetime while others only last a short period of time?
Describe your preferred learning strategies : Describe your preferred learning strategies. Compare your current preferred learning strategies to the identified strategies for your preferred learning style
What is an organic compound : What is an organic compound? Why kinds of bonds are found in an organic molecule?
Analyze the role of the key leaders within the organization : Analyze the role of the key leaders within the organization specific to how their responsibilities are connected to the security of the organization
What data will need to be collected on customer profile form : Pine Valley Furniture has several types of customers, including corporate, student, home office, and family. Develop a profile form for family customers.
Doe did was ethical per your own moral philosophy : Discuss your experiences of the course, your beginnings, and where you are now. Consider your interaction in discussions. Should health care workers be required
Make an educational flier : Make an educational flier brochure, or pamphlet that will be included in the postpartum client's discharge materials
Stages of mitosis or other cellular-molecular process : You are head of research and development for a molecular pharmaceutical company. In your own words, design a drug to ensure optimize, rapid mitosis.
Why are high in proteins-fat healthy weight-loss alternative : Low carbohydrate diets have been very popular recently. Many people today are going on variations of the high- protein, low-carbohydrate diet.


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Biology Questions & Answers

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  What is the density of the soft tissue

The wave velocity of ultrasound in soft tissues is 1540m/s and the impedance offered by it is 1.63 X 106 kg/m2s. What is the density of the soft tissue?

  Difference between x-inactivation and x-linked genes

What is the difference between x-inactivation and x-linked genes?

  Find in a case of aortic insufficiency

Aortic insufficiency (aka aortic regurgitation) is a condition caused by a leaky aortic valve, i.e., the valve between the left ventricle and the aorta

  How the plant and animal kingdom defend themselves

There are many challenges that organisms must meet to survive. Describe two challenges and explain how plants and animals are able to meet these challenges. Be specific about structures (anatomy) involved and molecules (physiology) involved.

  Isothermal expansion to a pressure

a) adiabatic compression from 60 kPa and 0oC to a temperature of 25oC, and b) isothermal expansion to a pressure of 70 kPa.

  Answer is the cell underwent repeated mitosis

Certain cell types normally have several nuclei per cell. How could such multinucleate cells be explained?

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1 what is a bioindicator? what ecological and biological aspects make lichens good indicators of poor air quality? in

  Describe how natural selection acts on an individual

Describe how natural selection acts on an individual. Explain why natural selection can act on a population, butwhy an individual cannot evolve.

  Evaluate the melting temperature of the original strand

evaluate the melting temperature of the original strand. Because G binds to C more strongly than A binds to T, the melting temperature should increase with the fraction of G/C pairs along the backbone of a sequence.

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