What current events-social changes have prompted new angles

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM131034746

Spend some time searching online news sources, such as npr.org, cnn.com, msnbc.com, or your own local news outlet. Although it’s often hard to find topics that are entirely new, the key to communicating a topic through writing is to present it with a fresh angle. What topics are you finding in the news today? What new angles are being presented? What current events or social changes have prompted these new angles? (Please be sure to include a URL with your post. If you use exact phrases or sentences from your chosen article, be sure to place that information in quotation marks.)

Reference no: EM131034746

Questions Cloud

Reliability and validity important in selection measurement : Why are reliability and validity important in selection measurement? In what ways do they impact selection? What do you think is the main purpose of selection? How does it fit into HR's strategy?
What is the problem with power : What is the problem with power, according to Hoyk & Hersey: The more the power holder has at his or her disposal the means to punish and reward, the greater the temptation to use this power. The more the power holder uses his or her power, the more h..
An employer has the burden of showing-among other things : According to the court’s decision in Wexler v. Greenberg, an employer has the burden of showing, among other things: ___________
Why process of evaporation has a cooling effect on the skin : Using your knowledge of particles, explain why the process of evaporation has a cooling effect on the skin. How would you describe the difference between a chemical change and a physical change?  In your answer provide an example of each
What current events-social changes have prompted new angles : Spend some time searching online news sources, such as npr.org, cnn.com, msnbc.com, or your own local news outlet. Although it’s often hard to find topics that are entirely new, the key to communicating a topic through writing is to present it with a..
Find an expression for the average probability of error : Find an expression for the average probability of error with matched filtering assuming symbol 1 and 0 occur with equal probability.
Comment on the design theory of the dutch abc group : Comment on the design theory of the Dutch ABC group. The comment is approx three pages long and written in APA style with refrences.
Small entrepreneurial solar power business : There is a new small entrepreneurial solar power business in town. In today’s competitive environment, partners are struggling with a series of management and environmental issues. Sell to businesses such as real estate and contractual company
Comment on the design theory of the dutch abc group : Comment on the design theory of the Dutch ABC group. The comment is approx three pages long and written in APA style with refrences.


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