What cultural and communication factors do you need

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Reference no: EM132321077 , Length: word count : 2000

Assignment Requirements

This is a multi-part assignment where each part has a separate deadline through the term. Refer to the Assignment List for specific dates.

• Part 1 - Create a Leadership Curriculum Solution

Follow up questions:

Best practices for giving feedback will help the public health leader navigate a variety of situations and settings.

• Discuss a feedback strategy that you have previously used.

o What was the situation?

o What were the results?

• What communication strategies have you used when having to give difficult or "bad" news?

o What were those results?

• Part 2 - Conflict Negotiation and Strategy Practice

This worksheet is based on a conflict negotiation model taught in the public training program of the Louisiana State Civil Service. Begin by reading the below scenario. Then, working as a team, complete the worksheet.


Emilio Sanchez was born and resides in Mexico, and was visiting his aunt Tania in the US when he fell off a ladder at her home. Emilio is a 22-year-old single man who works as an assembler in a manufacturing facility. He has a secondary school education, and speaks, reads, and writes fluent Spanish. Mr. Sanchez took English courses in high school and his comprehension is good, but he has trouble carrying on a conversation in English. His English reading and writing skills are extremely minimal.

Mr. Sanchez was in otherwise good health when the accident occurred, but he suffered a traumatic brain injury (TBI) when he fell, as well as a fractured tibia and wrist. His wrist and leg are giving him little pain, but the TBI is a concern. He definitely improved while an inpatient, but he has continued problems with balance and with following instructions without multiple reminders and prompts.

Speech therapy was initiated as he was nonverbal for a few days after the accident. All therapy stressed the use of the English language. Each therapist commented that Mr. Sanchez had difficulty following simple commands in English and preferred to communicate in Spanish even though only one therapist was somewhat fluent in Spanish.

Mr. Sanchez enjoyed his inpatient therapy, but the clinical staff wasn't sure he was taking it seriously as he seemed to want to socialize - which was difficult since other patients didn't understand Spanish. He became increasingly distracted and uncooperative when tasks involved speaking or understanding English.

Mr. Sanchez is being discharged soon. His aunt, who would like to provide home care for him, is also not fluent in English but can speak, read, and write more than Emilio. She doesn't want to send him to a rehab facility, and it's uncertain whether the primary concern is financial or cultural. She does seem invested in his recovery, as she visited him almost every day and has been willing to let a case worker do a home visit prior to discharge. The treatment team, however, feels very strongly that Mr. Sanchez needs to get to an inpatient rehabilitation facility where his intensive therapy will assuredly continue.

You are his caseworker and must balance the needs of Mr. Sanchez with the realities of the situation regarding his aunt's desire to take him home and the therapy staff's desire to have him go to a skilled rehab facility.

Conflict Management Clarifying Questions

1. Identify the problem. Do you have a sense that this is a symptom of a larger issue?

2. Identify emotions. Identify the emotions of the characters in the scenario, and how they may be affecting the problem.

3. Identify the impact. How is this problem affecting team members or the workplace in general?

4. Identify the parties. Who is involved in and affected by this situation?

5. Identify the outcome. What does a successful outcome look like?

6. Identify the style. Which style of conflict resolution will you use in this situation?






Conflict Management Style Narrative

Now, with your team, provide a narrative that outlines how you will use this particular conflict management style to work your way through this scenario. Your narrative should be at least one page long.

Follow-Up Questions

1. What cultural and communication factors do you need to take into consideration when selecting an appropriate conflict management strategy?

2. How might cultural differences be confused with other physical, cognitive, communicative, or environmental characteristics in this case?

3. What do you see as the role of the patient's aunt in your conflict management strategy?

4. Why did your team feel that this conflict resolution style was the best approach for this situation?

5. How did you utilize emotional intelligence during your conflict resolution negotiations?

6. Describe the collaboration and negotiations that your team went through while working on a resolution to this scenario.



In building this portfolio, you will utilize the knowledge gained in the course in relation to interpersonal and relationship management, as well as leadership theories and leadership skills development at several levels: the self, the interpersonal, and the organizational. The portfolio consists of three separate activities. The first, an individual effort, is a self-assessment and personal development plan.

The second activity is a group activity-an assessment of an organizational leadership scenario and a proposal for a training plan. You will demonstrate mastery of multiple concepts presented in the course, addressing issues of leadership style, emotional IQ, temperament, and biases. The final activity, also completed in a group, is a conflict management exercise, in which you will explore a diversity-related conflict management scenario.

This is a multi-part assignment with each part submitted and graded at specific deadlines during the course. See the Weekly Overviews for specific submission dates and times for each part.


Part 1 - Self-Assessment and Personal Development Plan

Objective: Assess your own strengths and weaknesses as a leader, and create a plan to address your leadership weaknesses.

In this part of the final assignment, you will conduct a series of in-depth analyses and assessments of yourself in relation to leadership style, emotional IQ, bias, core competence, and servant leadership. Create a personal development plan composed of short and long term goals, a training plan, and enrichment ideas.

1. You already completed four assessments earlier in the course: Leadership Style, Global Emotional Intelligence Test, and two Impact Bias assessments. You will now complete two additional assessments, each corresponding to different facts of leadership.

2. Complete the Leadership Skills Portfolio Form - Part One. Be prepared to answer questions about your results, your perceived opportunities for improvement, and the development tasks you have identified to help you achieve that improvement and overcome any

Part 2 - Create a Leadership Curriculum Solution

Objective: Solve an organizational/interpersonal issue that can be addressed through training.

In this part of the assignment, you will work in a group to analyze a workplace problem documented in a case. Assess the issues and create a one-page report documenting the problems.

1. Log in to the library. Download and read the following article: Conflict management in public hospitals: The Cyprus case (link available on Overview pgae)

2. As a group, assess the primary issues inherent in the case. Your assessment of the issues should culminate in a succinct, one- to two-page report. Use research literature to support your position as appropriate.

3. Create a training proposal to address the specific issues documented in the one-page report. The training that you propose should address each of the following facets of leadership:

Emotional IQ

Leadership style



4. Your proposal should cover the following logistical elements:

The audience for the training

The learning objective for the training

The delivery mode for the training (online, in-person, or blended)

An overview of the activities included in the training

How you will assess whether or not the training was successful

5. Combine your group's report and training proposal in a single document and submit.

Part 3 - Conflict Negotiation and Strategy Practice

Objective: Plan and execute a conflict management strategy.

In this part of the assignment, you will work in the same group as in Part 2 to complete a diversity-
related conflict negotiation exercise.

1. Begin by reviewing the 5 conflict management styles in this article: Five Techniques to Help You Manage Conflict in the Workplace (link available on Overview page).

2. Then, read the scenario outlined in your Leadership Skills Portfolio Form - Part 3 document (link available on Overview page).

3. With your team, respond to the six clarifying questions in the document and then select a conflict management style.

4. Write a narrative explaining how you will use your selected conflict management style to deal with the situation and the outcome that you envision will follow. Please incorporate the relational, emotional, communication-related, and empathic practices that you have explored in the course.

5. Complete the follow-up questions in the document with your team.

6. Submit your document with all parts completed.

Reference no: EM132321077

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6/12/2019 10:59:44 PM

»»a. Core Competency Assessment for Tier 2 Public Health Professionals: This assessment rates you on skills that have been defined as foundational for public health practitioners. The competencies can help with workforce development and planning across public health domains. Go to Core Public Health Competencies (link available on Overview page). It is a fillable PDF that you should complete and score. There are eight competency domains in which you will assess and score your personal skills. Save your completed and scored PDF. »»b. Servant Leadership Assessment (link available on Overview page). This is also an online assessment and should take about 15 minutes to complete. Do not forget to also save these results!


6/12/2019 10:59:31 PM

ASSIGNMENT SCOPE Part 1 - Self-Assessment and Personal Development Plan »»Completed template document »»At least 1000 words plus assessment results (may be longer) »»Plagiarism Submission Part 2 - Create a Leadership Curriculum Solution »»Citation requirements »»Word count: 1,000 - 1,200 words »»APA formatting »»Title page »»In-Text citations »»Reference List

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