Reference no: EM131251493
In this week's readings, the authors discuss emotional intelligence, a concept which measures people's ability to understand emotions and express them appropriately. As you have learned, this ability is crucial to communicating effectively in interpersonal relationships. One of the major components of emotional intelligence is the ability to empathize with others.
Prepare: As you prepare to write this discussion post, take a few moments to do the following:
Read the writing prompt below in its entirety. Notice that there are three tasks to complete:
Based on what you have learned in Chapter 8, start formulating a definition of empathy and consider why it is important in effective communication.
Brainstorm some examples of times when you had difficulties empathizing with others.
Think of some ways you could have handled the situation differently.
Review the grading rubric.
Reflect: Take time to reflect on why empathy is so important in becoming better communicators. Consider how we might become more empathetic.
Write: Based on the information in Chapter 8 in the text
Define empathy and explain why it is important for effective communication.
Share an example of a time when you found it difficult to empathize with someone. How did you handle the situation?
What could you have done differently to empathize with them? Consider what you have learned in class this week.
Thoroughly address all three elements of this prompt by writing at least two to three sentences on each element. Use the course readings at least once to help you make your points. Consider copying and pasting these tasks into a word file and addressing each of them separately.
Your initial response should be 200 to 300 words in length and is due by Thursday, Day 3.
Respond to Peers: Review your classmates' posts and try to find some common ground or expand on the students' ideas. Use the text to expand on everyone's understanding of the importance of empathy in communication. Ask questions that will enhance both of your understanding of the key concepts. Respond to at least two of your classmates' posts by Monday, Day 7. Response posts must be 125 to 200 words in length. If you have questions about how to participate in discussions, consult "About Discussions" under the Course Home menu.
Required Resources
Bevan, J. L., & Sole, K. (2014). Making connections: Understanding interpersonal communication (2nd ed.) [Electronic version]. Retrieved from
Section 7.2: Listening
Chapter 8: Maintaining Interpersonal Relationships
Chapter 9: Challenges of Interpersonal Relationships
You will be choosing from the following television series and watching one episode. A full synopsis of the television show is not necessary, but you should describe the conflict in detail and focus on the role of communication in the conflict.
Bellisario, D. & Brennan, S. (Producers). (2003-2014). NCIS: Naval criminal investigative service [Television Series]. United States: Columbia Broadcasting System.
This television show can be found for no charge with closed captioning at NCIS - CBS.
Kaplan, E., Holland, S., Molaro, S., Lorre, C., & Cohen, R. (Executive producers). (2007-2014). The big bang theory [Television series]. United States: Columbia Broadcasting System.
This television show can be found for no charge with closed captioning at The Big Bang Theory - CBS.
Rhymes, S. (Executive producer). (2012-2014). Scandal [Television series]. United States: American Broadcasting Company.
This television show can be found for no charge with closed captioning at Scandal TV Show -
Walsh, R., Levitan, S., Richman, J., Chupack, C., & O'Shannon, D. (Producers). (2009-2014). Modern family [Television series]. United States: American Broadcasting Company.
This television show can be found for no charge with closed captioning at Modern Family TV Show -
Wilmore, L. (Executive producer). (2014). Black-ish [Television series]. United States: American Broadcasting Company.
This television show can be found for no charge with closed captioning at black-ish TV Show -